✨Life like the plot of a K-drama Taegyu pt 2/3✨

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"Wow I think this Ramen is magical, my husband wants to be friends" said Taehyun with wide eyes and a playful smile

"No I just, never mind" replied Beomgyu

"Of course we can be friends beomie" replied Taehyun chuckling

"B-Beomie?" asked Beomgyu surprised at the cute nickname

"Yes Beomie bear, I don't know but it sounds so cute" said Taehyun smiling

"Oh yeah it kinda does sound cute" said Beomgyu who had already finished his ramen and was putting his bowl in the sink

Taehyun didn't reply but just put his bowl in the sink for the maid to wash too (the maid doesn't cook but cleans).

Taehyun went upstairs and lay in his bed while seeing Beomgyu's bed room door open and close, indicating that Beomgyu was inside his room.

Taehyun closed his window curtains turned on the AC and drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow morning:

Taehyun and Beomgyu had both woken up had pancakes at a cafe and then bid goodbye to go to their Offices, they were both dressed formally which made all the female and some male staff swoon over both of them, both their companies had merged so they had different headquarters but in the same building, Beomgyu was uncomfortable with how much attention Taehyun was getting from the staff

"Hello CEO Taehyun"

"Hello Kang Taehyun-ssi"

Every single staff was greeting Taehyun and unlike Beomgyu, Taehyun was actually bowing back and answering the staff.

Beomgyu didn't dare to look back and just went towards his office which was on the 2nd floor while Taehyun had his on the 3rd floor.

"Hello Babe" greeted Chaeyeon as Beomgyu went inside his office

"Hey baby, missed you" Beomgyu said as he pecked her cheek

That's right along with being the CEO's girlfriend she was also his secretary

Teleport to Taehyun's office

"Hello Taehyun sir, I am your secretary Jisoo"

"How old are you Jisoo? Asked Taehyun smiling at his secretary, she was so polite and kind

"uhhh...sir...I don't know if that's." rambled jisoo as Taehyun interrupted her

"Oh sorry Jisoo I shouldn't ask that but I am 19 so are you older or younger" asked Taehyun tilting his head to the side

"Older" smiled Jisoo politely

"Oh okay than its Jisoo noona to me" smiled Taehyun

"I have a...boyfriend" replied Jisoo awkwardly mistaking Taehyun's innocent answer as an attempt to flirt

Taehyun immediately caught up with the misunderstanding and said

"Oh no noona I wasn't flirting, I have a husband and I only like...boys and I called you noona because I am an only child and I never had any siblings so having an older sister would be nice"

Jisoo widened her eyes as she understood what Taehyun meant she quickly said

"Ahh okay, sorry for the misunderstanding sir and yes I would be more than happy to have a little brother Taehyun-ah as I am an only child too" Jisoo smiled politely

"Ok Taehyun-ah so here are the files for your meeting with the eternity company, I'll be there by your side but I suggest you read these Taehyun-ah"

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