Chapter 4: Bruised

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Why is my head pounding? Why is this light so bright? What the hell is that beeping?

"Burgess? Burgess can you hear me?"
"Mmm sorta. Where am I?"
"Do you remember what happened?"

That sounded like Nicole. The first voice was definitely Platt. What is going on? I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. Nicole is on one side of me and Platt is sitting on the other. I look around and realize I am in the hospital, I'm guessing Med. That's when it all comes back. The kidnapping, the house, the offender, Adam. Oh my god is Adam okay. I remember a gunshot but not much after that.

"Adam.. is he okay?"
"Special sauce will live to see another day. He wasn't hurt, you were. Well I'm sure he was bit hurt seeing you in that shape" Platt jokes.
"I doubt that."
I can tell Trudy is confused.
"Apparently something happened between them two, Kim said it was her fault and Adam has every right to be mad."
Nicole fills in Platt Kinda snarky if you ask me.
"Okay then. I'm going to call Will in, he can explain your injuries. I will let the rest of the team know you are okay.
"Wait! If you both are here, who is watching Makayla?"

I start to panic. I try to sit up and get out of bed. I need to get to her. I have been so selfish lately. She deserves better. I try to stand but I get so light headed I just fall on the bed.

"Kim! Take it easy!" Nicole yells as she reaches for me.
"We need help in here!"Platt screams into the hall.
" Mouch has her and Zoe at Nicoles. She is safe."

I just nod and try to get my bearing. I run my hand across my face and instantly regret it. My whole face feels sore and it definitely feels like something is broke.

"Burgess, glad to see you're awake." Dr. Halstead says as he enters the room.
"How bad is it doc?"
"Looks worse than what it is. You took a hell of a beating, no doubt about that. You got a broken nose and some bruised bones in your jaw and cheeks. Lots of bruising, 6 stitches above your eyebrow and a mild concussion. Which is why you fell. You have to take it easy for a few days. Someone needs to stay with you. No field work for 4 days."
"Thanks doc"

He nods and heads out. I reach for my phone on the table. I want to see how bad I look or how I badly I'm going to scare Makayla when she sees me. I switch it to the camera. Holy crap, I think Will played it down a bit. My whole face is bruised, yellow and greens. It looks awful. My nose is bandaged. My jaw has a nice yellow tinge to it as well. Well I'm definitely going to scare Makayla.

"You okay Kim?"Nicole asks bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah. I'm just worried bout how Makayla will react to seeing my face."
"I can help you explain it to her."

I don't get a chance to respond, when my unit walks in my room.
"Girl! You scared us! Are you okay?" Kev asks coming up beside me.
"Yeah I'm fine. Will said broken nose, bruised bones, bruised face, stitches and a mild concussion. I can be back full duty in 4 days. Just have to have someone stay with me for a day or two until my concussion starts to heal and I don't get so dizzy."

I notice everyone turn to Adam. Well that's awkward. He is definitely not going to volunteer to stay with me. He is the one I want but I don't get that luxury anymore. I look at Haley who obviously is picking up on the weirdness a bit faster than the others.

She only misses a beat before saying, "I can stay with you! It'll be fun. Make it some girl time. These fools wouldn't know what to do with Makayla anyways."
I mouth a thank you to her and she just nods. I notice Adam slip out of the room. Guess getting beat up doesn't change anything.

"How is the guy Adam found?"
"DOA. Lost to much blood, there was nothing they could do. He tuned out to be Ian. The missing husband. He took a hell of a beating to before he got shot."Voight tells me.
"I may be remembering this wrong, but wasn't that house supposed to be of a witness..?"
"You remember that correctly. Haley checked with the patrol officer. Seems like that witness used a fake name and number."He adds.
"We're pretty sure the suspect acted as a witness to draw us out. He wanted more bodies."Jay adds.

He gives me a weak smile. We have never been real close, but I know he always has my back. That is just who he is. I know he felt bad having to stay that the offender wanted bodies. Those bodies would have been me and probably Adam.

They all say their goodbyes and start to leave. Will is letting me go since Haley is staying with me. I grab Kev before he walks out of the room and motion for him to lean down.

"Can you keep an eye on Adam? He is really pissed at me. He is still not talking to his pops. He is going to need someone, we both know he will explode if he doesn't talk."
" I got him. Don't worry."
I nod and watch him leave. Haley gives me a weak smile, I'm sure she heard part of that. I don't know how well my whispering skills are with a concussion.

Nicole left to get Makayla. She's going to drop her off. That way we only have to stop at Haley's place and the pharmacy before heading back to my place. Will wheels me out to Haleys car and helps me in. I thank him and we head off. We stop at Haleys first and she grabs some things while I wait in the car. I check my phone and see a text from Kev saying he and Adam will be dropping off my car and gun in a bit. Well that should be fun. Haley comes back out with a few bags and we head to the pharmacy.

"Haley, thank you. I appreciate this so much."
"Hey, its no problem. My place has been to empty since Rojas left. Plus I picked up on some tension between you and Adam so I figured you needed someone."
"Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone picked up on that."
"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. I do know that Adam hasn't cared about anyone the way he cares about you. Not even me."
"Haley I'm.."
"Kim, its okay. Him and I were more fun than feelings. I'm sure whatever happened, he will come around with time."
"This is different. This is my fault. He has every right to be pissed with me. I thought for a split second that he murdered the guy who took is pops. I know never in a million years would he be capable of that. He had said something kinda off in his Jeep on the way over and then the position I found him in. My brain went there. I regretted it instantly. I cant take it back. I can only hope I can make him forgive me. Make him see that I know he is not that kind of cop, that kind of man. Oh and him and Kev will be coming over to drop my car and weapon off so that should be fun. Makayla will want to see him. I will hide in my room like a child."

That earned a laugh from Haley. I really wish her and I had a better relationship. Erin and I got close near the end of her time with intelligence and I missed having a female to talk to. Though it is weird talking about Adam with her.

The pharmacy was fast so we were at my place in time. The first thing I notice is Adam playing outside with Makayla while Kev watches. Yup, this should be good. I can see Haley glance from Adam back to me. I just give her a weak smile and she nods. She gets it, she will run interference. Pretty sure more than my face is bruised at this point. My pride is feeling just as beaten.

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