Chapter 9: Haze

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That sounds like Kim. Man do I love waking up to the sound of her voice.

"Wake up!"

Her voice. She sounds panicked. Why can't I open my eyes? Why the hell does my head hurt so damn bad?

"Adam,come on!"

Kim. Wait Kim. I found her! But the blood, her phone, her star.... Someone called my name.
I rub the back of my head and feel something wet and cold. I slowly start to open my eyes and i instantly regret it. It's too damn bright. My head hurts like a bitch.

"Adam. Open your eyes. It's me. It's Kim."

Of course it's her. I don't need her to tell me her name. Focus on her. Focus on her voice. I try one more time, this time I force myself to keep my eyes open.

The first thing I see is the ground, concrete and then I wire. I look around slowly taking in my surroundings and realize I am locked in a cage. I slowly sit up and look to my right and there she is.

"Oh thank god, I was worried you were dead."
"Where are we? What are we doing here?"
"I have no idea, about 15mins from the courthouse but that is all I got. I have no idea who took us or why. I only came to a few minutes before you arrived. How did they get you?"
"I called Nicole cause it had been hours since anyone saw you. She told me she was just about to call cause it had been over four hours since you said you were on your way there. We started looking for you and I went to the courthouse. Found your car, phone, star and blood. I was so worried Kim."
"I'm okay. They jumped me from behind and hit me with a pipe or something. Looks like the same for you. Did you call in what you found?"
"Yeah the team was 2 minutes out. They should definitely know we're both missing by now. Voight is probably so pissed."
"I'm sure Trudy will give him a run for money with that."

I laugh but it hurts. I run the back of my head and when I stop I see my hand is covered in blood. I look at Kim and she has dried blood on her face and shirt and it's all in her hair. She looks so much worse due to the beating she got the other day.

"Are you okay Kim?"
"Yeah I'm good." She runs her hands through her hair. "It looks worse than it is."

"I almost forgot. Congratulations on the adoption!"
"You can congratulate me when we get out of here and I can get home to my girl."
"Deal. How are we getting out?"
"Working on that. If we could pick these locks we could get out. They check on us every 8 minutes so whatever we do. We only have an 8 minute window to do it."
"What are we going to pick the locks with?"

I watch her reach into her pants pocket and pull out 2 objects. I move to right against the shared side of our cages to see.

"I took the bobby-pins out of my hair as soon as I woke up just in case I would need them."
"Good girl."

I can't help but smile at her thought process. She's so damn smart and such a good cop.

"Have you ever picked a lock? Cause I haven't and I'm not sure now is this best time to learn." 

I can hear the panic in her voice again and I notice her hands shake. I just want to comfort her.

"Hey look at me." I grab one of her fingers through the holes and hold it tight. "We're going to get out of this. Trust me."

She doesn't move or say a word so I begin to think she didn't hear me. Maybe she's freezing up.

"Adam...Adam I do trust you. I am so sorry that I ever doubted you."
"Kim we don't need to do..."
"No let me finish. Just in case we don't make it out of here. I never should have doubted you. You have never doubted me. I have taken you for granted and I am so sorry for that. I truly am. I can't change the past. I can change the future, if you let me. I want to make it up to. I want to show you how much I believe in you. How much I believe in us."

Her eyes are locked on mine and I can tell she means every word she said. That doesn't change how hurt I was or how hurt I still am. It's a start but Im not sure if it's too late.

"Kim. We can work all this out later. When we're safe and out of here."

I wave my arms around the cages were sitting in. She bows her head and I can tell that's not what she wanted to hear but it's all I can give.

"Adam if I don't make it. If something happens to me. I named you the custodian in the adoption. That if something happens to me, you take her. She's a Burgess now Adam and I need to know that she will be protected."

Holy shit.

"Why would you pick me?"
"Because we've meant to much to each other for too long. Because we were going to be a family. Because we are a family in a very screwed up way."
"I'll always protect her Kim. I promise."
"I know."

We hear a door slam and Kim motions to the ground. We both fake like we're asleep while the guard checks up on us. I manage to sneak a peek as the guy is checking on Kim. I almost lose my cool right there. It's the bastard who attacked Kim! I have to dig my nails into my palm to stop myself from reacting. Once we hear the door slam, Kim pops back up.

"8 minutes starting now."
"Kim wait." She starts to slide the bobby-pins to me but I stop her.
"The guy. He's the one who attacked you."
"Are you sure?"
"There's no way I would forget his face. Plus his shoulder is wrapped, the same shoulder I shot."
"Shit. This is clean up."
"We have to get ourselves out of here...."

They wanted more bodies. That's why Kim and I were lured to that house to begin with. Then the guy failed to kill us and left behind two witnesses. Honestly, im surprised they didn't just put a bullet in our heads in the parking lot. Unless....they have something worse in mind.....

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