Chapter 13: Safety

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"Back so soon Burgess" is the first thing Will says to me when he walks into the room.

"Do you guys offer frequent flyer discounts?"

He chuckles and shakes his head

"Alright so along with your prior injuries that haven't really healed. You have another broken rib, slight hypothermia, sprained ankle and I'm gonna have to stitch up your hands."

I just nod and let him get to work. He wraps my ankle with an ace wrap and I get 4 stitches in each hand. The only plus side, one of the nurses got me a warm blanket and it feels like heaven.

"Is Adam okay?"

I wait until Will is done stitching me up before asking questions.

"Ethan is with him but it sounds like he is okay. Slight hypothermia, dehydration and didn't need any stitches."

"Good. Good. Thank you Will. I really appreciate you coming in."

"Jays family is my family. Alright keep those hands clean and your ankle wrapped for 6 weeks and you're good to go. Any issues just call me."


Will smiles and leaves the room as Kev brings Mak in.

"Hey Makayla."

"Are you okay? Uncle Kevin said you got hurt again."

She climbs onto the stretcher and sits in front of me.

"I'm okay. I did get hurt but not as bad this time. Adam was there and he helped keep me safe."

"Kimmie helped keep me safe"

I look up to see Adam leaning against the door frame. I give him a glance over for injuries and he looks okay.

"Do you have to stay here?" Mak asks as she looks around the room.

"No sweetie, I'm coming home with you."

She leaps forward and gives me a huge hug. God did I need that hug more than she ever could know.

The rest of the team files into the room and makes sure Adam and I are okay.

"Kev, you take them all home. Adam and Kim take a few days off. Jay, Hailey and I will get back to work." Voight instructs us.

Jay and Hailey say their goodbyes and I thank them again. Voight follows suit.

I grab my things and take Makayla's hand and follow Adam and Kev to Kevs car.

"I'll ride in the back with Mak, easier on your ribs if you don't have crawl around more."

Adam says as he motions towards the back seat. I nod and watch him buckle Mak into her seat. I climb in the passenger seat.

"I'll drop you ladies off first and then take Adam home. If anyone of you need anything, just let me know."

The closer we get to home the more nervous I get. Those guys are still out there. What if they know where I live? What if they try to attack me again or Mak? Maybe she should stay at Nicole's for a few days or until we catch them. I play with the hair tie on my wrist and try to calm myself. Maybe I can get Hailey to stay with us again. Least having two cops in the house would make me feel a little better.

I'm suddenly aware of everyone staring at me.

"Kim you good?" Kev asks. I come out of my thoughts to realize we made it to my apartment, we must have been here for a bit based on the looks of their faces.

"Yes just tired."

I open the door and help Mak get out. The boys follow us. I go in first and do a quick and hopefully subtle sweep of the apartment. Making sure no one is waiting for us here.

"Do you guys wanna stay for dinner?" I don't want them to leave yet.

"I actually have a meeting with a possible tenant for my apartment building in an hour. But I can cancel" Kev suggests

"No way! Your first tenant, you have to go."

"And he's my ride sooo.." Adam says as he shifts awkwardly. I saw him watch me sweep the apartment and he knows something is up.

"Oh okay. Yeah that makes sense."

I see the guys exchange looks, I try to bust myself by looking for takeout menus while Mak is doing homework at the table. I can feel my hands shake the more I think of being alone.

"Kim are you okay?" Adam comes up beside me and whispers. He grabs my hand to steady it.

I just shake my head no, "what if they come after us again? Come here..?"

I whisper back and feel a tear fall as I look over at Mak. Adam follows my gaze. I quickly wipe the tear away, I can't let her see me like this.

"Maybe I'll just call Hailey and see if she wants to come back."

"Or I can stay."

My breathe catches in my throat.

"You don't have to Adam. I know that you're.."

"Kim you saved me. You risked your life by coming back for me. If me sleeping on your couch will give you comfort. I'll stay. Every time."

"Please." Is all that I can choke out.

He rubs my back and then walks over to Kev and whispers something to him. Kev nods, pulls his phone out and frowns.

"Shit guys I gotta go, I had the meeting time wrong. Adam can you find another way home? Or wait in the car till it's over but it might take awhile."

I catch on to what they're doing.

"Why don't you just stay here tonight Adam? You can sleep on the couch. We'll order some food and I can drive you home tomorrow. I'm just not up to driving tonight."

"Sleep over with Adam!!" Mak starts jumping up and down.

"How can I say no to that?" Adam chuckles as he picks her up.

I mouth a thank you to the guys. Kev says his goodbyes and takes off. I take some deep breaths knowing that Adam is here makes me feel safe. He always makes me feel safe..

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