Chapter 8: Officer Missing

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**Adam's POV**

I speed over to the courthouse, trying to keep calm. I'm sure she's just signing paperwork. Maybe she went to the store to get Makayla some things and just lost track of time. The little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me, she would have answered her phone.  I get to the courthouse and park. I run inside and stop at the first guard I see.

"I'm officer Adam Ruzek with intelligence. My partner officer kim Burgess was here today for an adoption hearing. She hasn't been heard from since. Have you seen her?" I hold up a photo of Kim.

"Yeah man. She left here around 10:00. I heard her on the phone saying she got granted adoption. She left the building. She never came back in."

"Are you sure she never came back? Is there another way in?"

"I'm sure. I'm the only guard. There's no other way in. Hey that lady over there in the red shirt was with her!"

"Thank you!" I jog over to the lady and I recognize her as the case worker.

"Ma'am sorry to bother you. I'm officer Adam Ruzek. I'm looking for Kim Burgess. Have you seen or heard from her since the hearing?"

"Hi Adam, I've heard a lot about you. No, the last time I saw her she was heading out and was calling her sister to tell her the news. Is something wrong?"

"No one has heard from or seen her since she made that phone call. If she contacts you, please call me right away." I had her one of my cards.

"Of course. I hope you find her."

I nod and head back outside. That's when I see it. Her car is in the parking lot. I run over to it.

"Kim! Kim! Are you in here?"

I check all the doors and the car is locked. There's no sign of her in the car. I walk to the rear of the car and I spot something on the ground. I pick it up and click the lock button. I see a picture of Makayla. Kim would never leave her phone. As I turn the phone over, I see blood. Shit.

I see some more blood drops on the ground and I start to follow them. I then find her star,covered in blood. This isn't good. This can't be happening.

"5021 ida my partner officer Kim Burgess is missing. I'm doing a sweep of the area. Send every available unit to the courthouse now!"
"Copy 5021 ida. Keep radio clear for ida."

I keep following the blood until it stops at another parking space, they must have had a car waiting to take her. No. No. No.

"Ruzek what's going on? Talk to me?" I recognize Voights voice immediately.
"Srg Kim is missing. Her car is here. Her phone and star were on the ground covered in blood. I have a blood trail that ends at another parking spot. I need the team here now!"
"We're all en route. Be there in 2"

Kim has to be okay. God things can't end this way. It can't.

"Hey are you officer Ruzek?!" I hear someone yell from behind me. As I spin around to see who it is. I feel something cold and hard hit the back of my head. Everything goes black....

**Jay's POV***

"Srg, Hailey and I are here. Gonna find Ruz now."
"Jay! There's her car."
I look to where she is pointing and nod. I stop the truck in front of it and we both jump out.  I run over to the car and find Kim's phone on the ground. Adam is right it his blood on it.

"Where is Ruz?" I turn to hailey to ask her.
"I don't know. I don't see him."

"Ruz!"   "Adam!"  "Ruzek!"

Hailey and I both keep calling his name. There's no answer. I find the blood trail be mentioned and we start following it. It ends at a parking spot, definitely had a car waiting. Adam was right about that.

"Jay I have more blood over here." Hailey says from my right.

"What? Ruz didn't say anything about that...?"
"Jay. We have a problem..." I walk over to her and see her holding Adam's phone. I look to where she points and his gun is on the ground covered in blood.

"You've got to be kidding me!"
I grab my radio,
"5021 George. I need the city shut down NOW! We have two officers missing. I repeat two officers are missing. Kim Burgess and Adam Ruzek."
"Copy 5021 George. All units lock down the streets and keep radio traffic clear."

"Jay. What do you mean two officers? Where's Ruzek?" Voight asks over our comms.

I turn around to see him and Kev pull into the parking lot. Hailey and I run over to them.

"We got here and pulled him to Kim's car. We saw what Adam saw with the blood and her phone and star. We started calling out his name and he didn't answer. We followed the blood trail. Hailey noticed more blood of to the right. She found Adam's phone and gun, also with blood on it."
"This CANNOT be happening!" Voight tells.
"I want a 5 mile block. No one in our out, until we question everyone. Lock the courthouse down. Kev, go see if they have camera footage of this parking lot. You two, start finding witnesses. They grabbed two officers in broad daylight, someone had to have seen or heard something."

"On it Srg!" Kev says as he takes over running.
"Voight!" Trudy yells and she walks up to us.
"I have every patrol officer on their way here to start a grid search. I'm here until we find them. How can they both be gone?" She asks us.

Man does she look pissed. We all get the same look in our eyes when a cop goes missing, but when two go missing and from the same unit. This can't be good.

"I don't know what happened. But I do know that if they are together, they will fight like hell to make sure they both get home." Voight chimes in.

"Oh my god!" Hailey yells.
"What is it?" I turn to her.
"Makayla. What about Makayla? They're her people."
"I'll call Nicole and station a patrol unit at her house. Just in case." Trudy says as she reaches for her radio.

I thought this day couldn't get worse when Kim was suspected to be missing but now that two officers are missing. This is a nightmare...

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