Chapter 5: Tension

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Makayla screams as soon as she sees me. She yanks out of Adams grasp and comes running to me. I lean against the car trying to brace myself for the impact. I can see Haley tense beside me, this is going to hurt. All of a sudden Makayla comes to a halt.


She takes a few steps back and it breaks my heart. I'm scaring her and there's nothing I can do to fix it. I crouch down so I'm at her level. She's probably 6 feet from me, I can see Kev and Adam walking up.

"Hi sweetie. I know my face looks kinda scary right now. I am okay though. So are you. We are both safe."

God she looks so scared. She sees Adam coming and runs to him and hides behind him. I swear my heart shattered. She's so scared she can't even look at me.

"I'm okay Makayla. It's just some bruises. It looks worse than it is."

Adam kneels down to look her in the eye.

"Hey, Kim is okay. She just got hurt at work but she's safe now."
"My mommy got hurt. Then they came for me."
"No one is coming for you. Kim won't let anyone near you. Neither will I."
"Will you stay? Please"
He looks up at me and for a second I think he's looking for a permission but I quickly realize he's looking for an out.

"Sweetie Haley is going to stay with us. Adam has to work. It'll be us girls for a few days."
"I promise to keep you safe Makayla" Haley chimes in.
"Kimmie too..?"
"Kimmie too."

Makayla must have been satisfied with her response because she finally came running over to me. I had just enough time to sit down before she knocked me over. She plopped down on my lap and threw her arms around my neck. Man it hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt. She was worth the discomfort.

"How about we let Kim and Haley get inside?" Kev chimes in. Pretty sure he saw me gritting my teeth.

Haley grabs her bags and Kev grabs mine and Makayla's hand. I get up slowly and I can see Adam watching me. Awkward doesn't even begin to describe it. I finally stand up and hear a thud. My phone fell out and hit the ground, that's just great. I go to bend down and pick it up.

"Shit!!!" I straighten back up and grab my ribs. That hurt so damn bad.
"Kim! You okay?" Adam asks as he rushes to me.
"I'm fine. Just gotta remember I can't bend over."
I lean on the car to catch my breath.
"Here." He hands me my phone.
"Thank you."
"Just doing my job."
"Adam, how long are you going to be pissed at me? At some point we will have to talk about things."
"I'm glad you're okay."

With that he walks away. I watch him get into Kev's car. Adam and I have been a lot of things. Estranged is not one of those things. Even after the engagement, we still talked. It was awkward but not like this. But I guess that's what I get for my actions. I slowly make my way inside and find Kev right outside my apartment.

"Hey girl. Was just making sure you were okay. Where's Adam?"
"Yeah I'm okay. He's waiting in your car."
"He'll come around. He always does."

I just shrug. I have no emotional capacity left today. Kev understand and gives me a nod before leaving. I walk inside and see Makayla giving Haley a tour of the apartment. Gosh I love this little girl. Once she finishes showing Haley around she goes into her room, probably to play and Haley comes out to the living room with me.

"You okay Kim? Honestly."
I have chuckle, " No not really. Everything hurts. Makayla is scared of my face. Adam is pissed."
"Well here are some Percocet that Dr.Halstead prescribed. Makayla will come around, she's been through a lot. It's obvious she adores you. The same goes for Adam, he will come around. The best thing to do is give him some space and then try apologizing again. I've questioned his compass before and he was mad but he got over it with time. That was with me, he will definitely come around for you."
"Thank you Haley. Truly. I know we aren't the closest. I really wish we were. Erin and I became pretty good friends close to her leaving and it was so nice to have a female cop to talk to. I would love to have a friendship like that with you."
Now it's Haley's turn to let out a chuckle, " I've wanted that for so long too. I thought after the whole Adam thing that it would just be awkward. Then Rojas came and I'm sorry if you felt pushed out. I just really wanted to be the best mentor for her. But I would love to have a friendship with you too. Lord knows we need more female cops. Plus I could use some dating advice actually."

I cross my legs on the couch and turn to face her so she knows she has my full attention.

"I'm all ears."
"So I like someone. Within the district. He feels the same. I just don't know how or if I should tell Voight."
"Within the district or within the unit..."
"Ummm unit."
"Is it Jay? I see the way you look at him."
"It is." Her face lights up.
"Voight isn't a fan of in house romance. I got passed up for intelligence initially because of it. Then I got shot so Voight made an exception. We had to promise that it would not interfere with the job. Jay and Erin got a pardon because it was Erin. Sorry. Honestly, just tell him the truth. You and Jay. He will respect you more. Plus Jay has become his right hand man so I'm sure he won't be too upset."
"Thank you. I thought we should just tell him before he finds out but Jay doesn't agree. I think he's worried that Voight will sack him."
We both chuckle, "We need Jay. Voight needs Jay. He might be pissed for awhile at both of you but he'll come around. He was so supportive when I got pregnant and then was there for Adam when I lost it. He understands love."

"Kimmie I'm tired."

I look at the clock, it's 8:30. Makayla's bedtime.

"Alright sweetie, go brush your teeth and I'll be there in a minute to read to you."
She nods and runs to the bathroom.
"You're really good with her Kim."
"Thank you. I'll be right back."

Makayla picks out her pjs and a story. I tuck her in and grab her stuffed animal off the nightstand. I hand it to her then take a seat beside her.

"Once upon a time..."

"That must have been a short story" Haley says as I come back out.
"She rarely makes it past page 5."
I grab some blankets and pillows for Haley while she pulls the couch out.
"Help yourself to whatever. I'll be in here if you need me. Also, Makayla has night terrors. Sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. I just have to talk her down. It can be pretty scary. The first time it happened I grabbed my gun."
"That sounds horrible!"
"It is. Goodnight Haley."
"Goodnight Kim."

It felt good to lay down in bed. Today was a rough one. I really thought that guy was going to beat me to death.

Buzz Buzz

I grab my phone off the nightstand and see a text.

Adam: Sorry I didn't cover you better today. Glad you're okay. Tell Makayla goodnight. Can I take her to breakfast tomorrow?

Me: It's okay. She's already asleep. Yeah that's fine. You can have her as long as you want. Since I'm off she won't be going to the pre school for a few days.

Adam: Okay. Be there at 8:30.

I don't bother to reply. As long as he is still there for Makayla, that is what matters. I can't let my mistakes screw her up. She deserves better from me.

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