Chapter 14: Sleepover

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"Alright guys, what do we want for dinner?" I hold up all the take out menus and wait for Adam and Mak to stop playing.

"Hmm, let Adam pick!! He doesn't get to pick anymore."

I try not to let that sentence have an affect on me. I just smile and nod at Adam.

"Well I could really chow down on seem chicken fried rice and egg rolls. How does Chinese sound?"

"Yes!!!" Mak yells as she jumps up and down.

Adam for her hooked on egg rolls and I'm pretty sure it's all she would eat if I would let her.

"Sounds good, Mak do you want the lo Mein noodles and an egg roll?"

"Can I have 2 egg rolls? I'm extra hungry." She rubs her belly as she says it.

Adam and I both chuckle and I grab my phone. I step into my bedroom to call in the order. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, man I look rough. I'm surprised Mak didn't shy away.

My face is still bruised from my earlier injuries, I'm pale and my lips still have a hint of blue to them from being so cold. My hand is bandaged from where Will sutured me, my fingernails are bloody and cracked. I have scratches up and down my arms from the wood. I sink back into the bed and sigh.

Am I the best option for Mak? She lost her world and then I come home looking like hell twice in a span of a few weeks. I just want her safe. I can do that, I'm a cop. Who is better to keep her safe than a cop in one of the most elite units?

I want to take a shower but the thought of the water makes me want to put on a thousand layers. I settle for changing into a long sleeve with a hoodie over it, joggers, fussy socks and my favorite slippers. I walk back to the living room and lean against the doorway. Mak has Adam coloring whole she talks his ear off about school. He glances up and smiles and I return it. When he glanced back down, I quickly realize that he is still in his jeans and flannel from earlier. That has to be miserable. I go back to my closet and see what I can find.

I rummage through some boxes that I never did anything with when I bought this place. I found a pair of sweats that were Adam's and I know I have one of his old hockey long sleeves, it's big and warm and perfect for Chicago winters. I take my finds back to the living room.

"Hey Adam, I figured you'd probably wanna change and not sleep in jeans. I found a pair of sweats for you and one of your hockey shirts."

"Oh my! I haven't seen that shirt in years! I used to wear it all the time, it's so warm. I always wondered what happened to it."

"It is warm, which is why you never got it back it, it's great for layering" I say with a chuckle. I watch his face change slightly.

"You still wear it?"

"Yeah it's comfy and warm." I just shrug and walk over to hand him the clothes.

"Dinner should be here in a few minutes if you wanna change while Mak and I set the table."

He just nods and heads to the bathroom. I can feel his eyes on me when he gets to the end of the hall. It's just a short, I don't know why he's being so weird about it. It's not like I wear it everyday or anything.

Dinner comes and we all sit at the table to eat. We let Mak talk all about her day and catch Adam up on everything going on in her life. It's going pretty good until...

"Adam, do you have a girlfriend?" Which makes Adam almost choke on his egg roll and he looks to me. I just shrug.

"Kayla's daddy stopped spending time with her when he got a girlfriend and since you don't come here a lot..."

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