Chapter 10: Unacceptable

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"How has two of our officers been missing for over 5 hours and we have no idea where they are or who took them? This is completely unacceptable! We are the best damn unit and can't even get a lead for our own people." Hank screams.

He always hates when anything happens to a cop on the city, especially if the cops are in his unit.

"Srg. We're trying but there's no evidence. However did this, knew what they were doing. No witnesses, the only blind spots in the parking lot and no evidence." Jay tells him.

"I have a theory but it's crazy" Upton adds

"I think it's time for crazy" Atwater says as he hangs his head. Both of his best friends are missing and he is not doing good.

"Maybe it's not a coincidence it was Adam and Kim. Maybe it wasn't just because they were the two at the courthouse. Maybe the location has nothing to do with it. What if they were targeted, as a cleanup. They were the only two people who saw the attacker at that house. It was in the news that Kim survived. What if whoever took them, was following them on purpose." Hailey explains.

There's a few moments of complete silence while everyone processes what she said.

"That is actually not so crazy!" Trudy exclaims.

"I agree. Let's follow this up. We are going to have to find who killed that couple in order to find our friends. Go back to the house Jay and Hailey and see what forensics might be left. Trudy do you mind going with Kev to the hospital and see what the hospital collected from Kim's attack..? I'm going to work with IT to see if there's any video of them two being followed." Srg orders.

"You're driving." Trudy says to Kev and they head out.

Jay and Hailey do the same.

"They're okay right? Those two would do anything to protect the other." Trudy asks Kev on the way to med.

"Not only do they always protect each other. Kim had a child now, she's going to do everything in her power to get back to her. Adam will do anything to make that happen. I'm just worried about how far they are willing to go for each other...."

"Hopefully we can find them before they have to pull any cowboy crap."

They arrive at med and find Maggie right away at the ER nurses station.

"Trudy,Atwater, is everything okay?" She asks.

"Two of our officers are missing. What do you have from the attack on officer Burgess? Our lab said they never received anything. We need anything you have." Trudy explains.

"Give me 2 minutes and I'll see what I can find."

They both nod at her and stand in silence. Both of their minds wandering to what could be going on to the two of them. Praying they'll make it out safely.

"Hey! Is everything okay? Is Jay okay?" Will says and he says in standing here. I guess our faces are doom and gloom.

"Jay is fine man. It's Adam and Kim. They both have been abducted. Keep it on the down low." Kev informs him.

"Oh no! Do you have an idea on who? I won't say anything."

"We think whoever attacked Kim wants to finish the job. Maggie is getting any evidence you guys kept from her attack."

"You guys need anything at all, you let me know. I'll be on standby, whenever you find them, call me and I'll come in to check them out."

"Thanks man."

He nods and walks away as Maggie walks up. He reaches out and pays her arm and she gives him a smile.

"Here guys, I found her clothes and some blood samples as well as whatever was under her fingernails. Apparently the guy who delivers them to you has been out sick. I'm sorry."

"Thank you so much!" Trudy says as Kev takes the box.

"Hey, you just find them both. Okay?"

"Beat your ass we will." Kev says, with that they had back to the station to start processing Kim's things.

Jay and Hailey arrive at the house with one of Jays buddies from CSI.

"Hey Jake, thanks for coming! This is time sensitive." Jay explains quickly.

"Then let's get to it."

They follow Jake inside, he had told them he wants to do a walk through first so he can see what was collected and what made have been missed. Jay and Hailey stand back and let him do his thing.

"Okay guys so there's some bloody handprints on this wall with no record of being collected. There's fingerprints on the inside of the door handle and I found some on the gate. It could be nothing or could be something."

"Let's find out!" Hailey says.

Her and Jay go upstairs but it looks like nothing has been disturbed at all. They start running previous owners and their known associates. There is one hit, 5 years ago the house belonged to a Marie Desmond. Her grandson was pinched several times for drunk and disorderly and assault and battery. Michael Desmond 28, no known address.

"Let's call in the name and say what else the team finds." Jay says.

He radios the team and let's them know the information. Jake finished up and the all head back to the lab to meet up with the rest of the team.

"So what did we learn." Hank asks once everyone gets to the lab.

"When we reran the ownership, we ran it with known associates. Marie Desmond sold the house 5 years ago after living in it for 20 years. Her grandson had an arrest record for a lot of violence. This first time we ran names, we didn't run associates." Hailey explains.

"Maggie got us the clothes and samples Med took from Burgess attack. Something about their driver being off sick. Will also said to call him the second we find them and he will check them out." Platt tells the team.

"The driver who was sick, do we have a name? Is he really sick?" Jay asks.

"Yeah, on the ride back here we thought about that too. We called Maggie, his name is Evan Paul. He was positive for covid and has been quarantined. We FaceTimed him and it checks out." Kev fills them in.

"What has the evidence told us? I couldn't find anything on the pods. No common vehicles followed them. No vehicles followed them at all." Voight fills in his side.

"Hey guys we got something!" Jake yells across the room.

The team goes over to the screen and looks at the computer.

"What are we looking at man?" Kev asks.

"This is the DNA that was found under Officer Burgess nails. It has a familial match to Michael Desmond."

"Familial..." Jay asks.

"It's not his, but a sibling." He explains.

"Hailey!" Voight starts.

"On it!" She jumps on the computer and looks for the other Desmond boy.

"The only thing that comes up is that Michaels brother Eric was with him 3 out of 4 times that he was arrested. The reports even say they suspected that he was involved but there was never any evidence of it."

"Looks like both of the brothers are violent but only of them ever gets caught, which means Michael is the way to our friends. He is bound to slip up. Good job Kim are scratching him. Let's run all known addresses, track phones and credit cards!" Hank orders.

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