Chapter Three: meet the family

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I shrink againest Cody, my fears surface and I suddenly growl "easy it's just my cousins pack" Cody whipsers in my ear.

"I'm scared, I can't see" I cry.

"I know and if it wasn't Jays pack then we would run, ok?" He says trying to calm my frantic state.

I nod and hear the werewolves get out of the car and walk towards us. I take a deep breath and their scent comes to me, they all smell like the woody scent I smell on Cody and they have a mixture of other scents too.

"Hey, Grace isn't it?" One says.

"That's Toby" Cody tells me, knowing I can't tell.

"Yes that's me" I say with Steel.

"Ok well let's get you both to our safe house" Toby says just as another boy runs into Cody.

"Jay!" He says while hugging the boy.

"Cody, I thought I'd lost you" the wolf, Jay says.

"Nope I'm here and I found a girl" he says shyly.

"Well it's nice to meet you Grace" he says while jogging back to Toby.

Just as I start to walk, my leg gives out and Cody catches me. "I'll carry you" he says, picking me up.

I sigh and lean my head back, darkness threatens to take me prisoner but I won't let it, it calls to me, making it hard to think. My tongue feels heavy and my breathing start to become laboured. "your going to be ok" Cody says placing me in the back seat.

"How much silver has she got in her?" Anther one says.

"Jet right? I don't know she said she got shot twice, we haven't got the bullets out yet" Cody says.

"Ok we need to hurry home then" Jet says and the darkness becomes too much, I invite it to consume my body and it does, my mind takes me back to my nightmare and I wish I had not let it win.

I growl and turn, I can't get away, I watch as once again my body is thrown out of the car. My brother lays bleeding next to me. I shake myself, I jump as I feel the car we are in jerk. I gasp and sit up, I groan, my side burns worse than fire and I can't feel my leg.

"Hey you ok, I heard you screaming about your brother" Cody says pulling me into his tight embrace. I begin to feel strange emotions for Cody but I push them back.

"Yes I'm fine, just my nightmare, maybe one day I'll tell you" I say.

I feel the car turn and know we are here, the car slows and finally stops. "I got you" Cody says lifting and carrying me out to what I guess is the house.

I feel myself placed on a sofa and I start to relax, "we need I get them bullets out" Toby says.

"I got it" a young female says.

"That's Hunter, she's too giddy for her own good" Toby says.

"I'll do it" Jet says.

Judging from the silence he doesn't speak often. I hear someone pick up something and I tense.

Cody picks me back up and I'm carried to a table, "lay flat and hold my hand" Cody says gripping my hand.

I feel pressure on my side and I scream, my hand clenches and Cody yelps. I laugh as the pressure eases, my laugher turns into screaming again as someone cuts into my leg and digs for the last bullet. just when I think I can't take anymore, the pain subsides and I let out a pained sigh.

"It's all over now" Cody says and I drift into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to darkness, it must be night time I think to myself. I stretch and yawn, "hey how you doing?" Cody asks from his spot on the bed, when he speaks I jump.

"I'm good, you?" I ask once I'm calm.

"Yes just glad your ok" he replies.

I smile and he takes my hand, "let's go get something to eat" he says helping me to the stairs.

As we walk down the stairs, I hear laughing "what's going on?" I ask

"Hunter is having a joke again I think" Cody says opening the living room door.

"Hey guys you want some food?" Toby asks the moment we enter.

"Yes please" I answer faster then Cody.

We sit down and Toby tells me all of the packs names "this is Jet, Jay and Hunter. You have already met them then there are Kay and Emmy and Jaze, he is hunters twin" he says.

"Hey" I say and they all mumble hellos back.

Cody puts the fork in my hand after cutting up my food, I sense where the food is and dig in. We eat in silence and Cody try's to give me sight again. Just as he gives up I gasp. "Cody your doing it again" I say looking around the room for the first time.

"What do you mean?" Toby asks.

"I can give Grace my sight, I look at something and she can see it" Cody answers.

The girls of the pack come and hug me, jet bids at me and the twins smile. "this is great" I say looking around.

After we ate, Toby suggests a run "I don't know how" I says when he turns to me.

"What, oh right. Just think if your wolf form and it should go back it that" he says.

Cody takes my hand a we head up the stairs. "will you help me?" I ask when we reach our room.

"Of course" he says, he gently takes my clothes off and I turn around.

"Think of how we ran" he says.

I nod and think my hardest, just as I'm about to give up, my body phrases and I stand as a wolf.

I let rip a howl, the rest join in and I jump and nip Cody as we trot downstairs.


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Love and peace.

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