Chapter Eleven: Happiness never lasts long

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Three days have passed and Mark seems to grow stronger everyday.

I yawn and jump out if bed, "morning baby" I say to Cody.

"Hey" he grumbles then rolls over. I roll my eyes.

"Are you getting up?" I ask him.

"Not yet, why do you need any help?" He says, his voice is filled with sleepiness.

"Ok, no I'm fine" I say, searching for my clothes.

I sigh and finally find them after looking for ten minutes. I can hear Cody snoring and I shake my head at him.

I open our door and feel Emmy just opening hers too "hey" I say.

"Oh hey, the lads wet on a midnight run so that's why they aren't getting up" she says as she walks to me and grabs my arm.

"Oh I thought Cody was just sick of me" I say laughing.

"Did Hunter go too?" I ask, we walk down the stairs.

"Yes" she says.

"What about Mark?" I ask

"He didn't go, he hasn't phrased yet. has he?" She says.

"No I don't think so" I say.

We walk into the living room and see Mark, he is wearing some of Toby's clothes and he sits watching kids films.

"Hey" he says when he sees us.

"Hey" we say in unison.

I roll my eyes and sit down next to him, I have to stop myself hugging him. but to my astonishment he leans in and hugs me tightly.

"I love you" he says.

"How old are you two anyway?" Emmy asks.

"I'm sixteen and Marks seventeen" I say for him.

"Cool" she says.

We sit and talk for hours and Mark talks the most. I hear shuffling from the bedrooms.

"I think the lads are getting up" I say.

"Yes they are, I kicked them out of bed" Hunter says as she walks in.

"Good" I say.

I hear them running down the stairs, "Hey baby" Cody says, out of breath.

"Geez you just got up, why are you out of breath" I ask rolling my eyes.

"We had a race down here" He says.

"OK" I say.

Cody grabs my hand and I can see again. I look at my brother and I see he looks deadly pale. I feel my eyes widen.

"Hey you ok?" I ask him.

He suddenly jumps up "I'm fine" He says.

He goes to say something else but before he can, his body starts to jerk and he falls to the floor. "Mark!" I shout and run to him.

He violently jerks and I start to cry, Toby kneels down and puts his hands either side of Marks face. Making sure he doesn't swallow his tongue.

His eyes roll back and I grab his hand, "Mark" I sob as Cody picks me up and cuddles me.

I see Toby pick him up and he takes him to his room. I get up and start to pace, Cody paces with me so I can see.

I turn suddenly and look into Cody's eyes. I see love and helplessness and I pull him into a hug. "It's going to be ok" He says over and over.

The rest of the pack stare from me to where Marks room is, Hunters eyes are so wide I think they might pop out.

Jay holds her and Emmy is crying into Kay's shirt. Jet and Jaze watch each other, unsure what to do. I sigh and release Cody.

Toby walks back in with a grim look on his face. "Is he ok?" I ask.

"Too early to tell, he should be" He says.

"OK that's good right?" I ask

"He just needs some sleep and rest, that's all that we can give him anyway" He says.

I walk with Cody to our bedroom, not wanting to be around the pack. "Are you ok?" Cody asks me.

"Yes this time I'm going to look after myself. I'm really tired now. Will you hold me?" I say

"Yes baby I will always hold you" He says as we lay down on the bed.

It takes me ages to fall asleep but when I do my nightmare surfaces. I watch as the lorry heads towards our out of control car. Our eyes meet and I'm thrown into the air, I look around Mark lays bleeding on the road. I lose myself in the blackness.

I wake up gasping, Cody holds me tightly and I start to cry.


Thank you all for reading.

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Love and Peace :)

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