Chapter Thirteen: My happy ending

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I feel the shiver and I look towards Mark, he is still pale but has got up to go on his first run.

I look at the full moon and shiver again, I let go of my tightly rained in control.

I sigh as my bones reshape and my fur runs down my arms and legs, I get on the floor. My hands turn into paws and my mouth turns into a muzzle. after the phrase has done, I shake myself to settle my fur.

I look over to Mark, his eyes are wide and he is shivering. I want to tell him to stop fighting it but I'm held prisoner by the moon. Luckily Toby is still to phrase and he says "don't fight it, it will make the pain worse"

I see Mark let go and he explodes into a giant wolf with brown and black fur and his black and brown specked eyes.

I watch as he shake himself. "Lets do this" Toby says as he jumps and lands as a wolf.

Show off I think to myself.

We all take off into the woods and I feel the pull of the moon even though I'm already in my wolf form. I realised I've stopped and I lay down. Cody starts looking at me funny and I give a yip of happiness.

I start to roll on the ground and I jump up. Cody and me start a play fight and eventually the rest join in.

They all take it easy on me because of my sight, I don't let it slow me down any though.

I grab Toby's ear in my mouth, he yelps and ducks to attack my tummy. I jump out of the way just in time.

Toby barks and we run deeper into the woods, Mark runs by my side and Cody is toughing my other side. Hunter, Jaze, Jet, Emmy and Kay run in and around us while Toby takes the lead.

I run as fast as the wolf and soon we are all running the mile long lope of the wolf.

I run up a hill then jump over a wire fence, the cows give moo's of disapproval and I let out a huff, the wolfs laugh.

We sprint up the the highest point we know and when we get there we all sit together, I lift my muzzle and let out a mournful howl, after I have let all the sorrow out my howl changes to happiness and the rest join in.

We howl for hours and the moon starts to sink under the skyline.

I get up and put my paw on Toby, I quickly take it off and take off into the woods, Toby figures out what I'm doing and he starts to chase after me, I stumble over a tree root. Cody runs up to me and together we fly across the wood land, Mark has no clue what we are doing but as soon as Toby tags him, he jumps up and races after Hunter. He knows what we are playing now I think to myself.

I bark at him and he leaps towards me, I sprint to the rocks and start to jump up them. Mark still being new to a wolfs way, doesn't know how to get me and I howl in victory.

He gorwls at me and paces up and down, I shake my head and jump off. Mark gives a yip of terror, thinking I'm not going to make the landing.

The whole pack stops and watches as I propel myself into the air, I feel for the ground and feel I'm too close to do what I wanted, I can tell they are all holding their breaths and I laugh.

Just as the ground is beneath me, I roll. Taking the impact off my legs. I land, Cody lovingly licks my muzzle.

I feel a jolt of pain in my legs and I know I'm going to pay for that stunt later. I shake my head and feel the moons hold vanish, we are free to phrase back. We don't but we do head back home.

We run as one and I leap over fallen trees and logs, I start to bark my head,off. Just happy being me. As we rounded the corner and head towards the garden I hear Toby's mum shouting us.

She shouts foods ready and we all sprint to her, she tells us to go get changed and we all comply.

Once in our room, me and Cody phrase and put some clothes on. I sigh and yawn, Cody wraps his arms around me and we just stay in complete bliss. Not caring about anyting other then each other.


Thanks for reading :)

this is the last chapter in the Coloured Grace book, be sure to look out for the next book entitled grace.

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love and peace :)

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