Chapter Seven: Escape or die trying

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I pull on my ties and feel one loosen, I tug harder and it breaks. With my now free hand I feel over to my other hand and start to untie the ropes around it.

After I get that free I sit up and grab the other ropes, it takes me a while to get them undone but I do.

Once free I sense for the door and I run to it, hoping there is nothing in the way, there isn't.

I open the door and am met by fighting, "Grace!" I hear Cody shouts and I run to his voice.

He grabs my hand and I'm able to see again, the pack are fighting with lots of hunters, or every one werewolf there's three hunters.

I watch as Hunter pulls down two men and then silences them with her knife.

"Look out!" Toby shouts just as me ad Cody are knocked to the ground.

Cody jumps up and dodges a Punch, I grab the attacks arm and he falls into Cody's fist. He falls to the floor fast asleep.

I run with Cody to the side lines, cussing my lack of sight.

"Come on, let's get out of here" Toby says.

Jay comes to us and he leads us to the rest of the pack, Kay and Jet are badly hurt but don't show it.

"Where's Emmy?"I ask.

"She's at home, I didn't want her to get hurt" Kay says.

I nod and Cody guides me as the rest of the pack set off, Hunter and Jet fall behind to protect us and Kay and Jay walk beside us while Toby and Jaze lead at the front.

Just as the door becomes visible, it opens to reveal more hunters. I sigh and we attack. I'm so tired of fighting, why can't we just live it peace I think to myself.

I feel myself dragged from Cody and my sight goes, I jump and punch, it doesn't meet it's target instead it thirds me off and the hunter gets me in a head lock.

I feel a gun press to the back if my head and I tense. "stop or she gets it" he says and everyone halts.

"Grace!" I hear Cody shout.

I growl in frustration, then I realise I can get free, I pull down and knee the person in the balls at the same time. he falls to the floor crying in pain.

I feel someone grab my hand then my sight comes back, Cody I think.

I see Toby and the rest running towards the doors and me and Cody follow.

Just as we run through it, someone grabs my arm. Cody, not expecting it, let's go and I fall to the floor.

I jump up and turn, sensing where my attacker is. I feel the punch coming my way and duck just in time. I growl and feel a shiver.

I sigh and let the phrase take hold, my bones re-shape and bright orange fur runs along my body, I leap out of my dis-guarded clothes. I shift my ears and I detect a slight movement to my right. Guessing that's the one who caught me, I leap and bite at the same time.

I hear a scream and a laugh. "Wrong person, little Gracey. That's your lover Cody right?" I gasp and let go.

"It's ok Grace, I know you were trying to protect yourself" Cody says, hugging me.

I shake out of his hold then pad to the voice, knowing this is the person I leap but I don't bite just in case. I knock him to the floor and sniff to make sure it's not one of my pack, it's not.

I grab his throat and bite, I feel his blood spill out and I rip away from him. Cody nudges me, I notice he's in wolf form too.

We walk out and no one stops us.


thank you for readin i hope you like this chapter.

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love and peace. 

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