Chapter Eight: The ride home

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We all get to the van and I sigh in relief, my ankle hurts but I don't know why and my back has a massive slice down the middle. Silver I think to myself.

I climb in the back and Cody joins me, "are you two ok?" Toby asks.

I nod, with a little shrug and Cody nods. "Come here Grace, I can smell silver on you" Toby says.

I get up and walk to him, he gently puts his hands along my body, coming to a stop when he teachs my back. He eyes me then continues, he finally stops when he gets to my leg. "Ok you have a knife wound to your back and a bullet wound in your leg" he says in a professional voice.

I whine, suddenly feeling lightheaded. Cody nudges me and I lay down next to him. I close my eyes and try I focus on something that's not pain.

"Grace?" I hear my brother say.

I huff, he won't know me in wolf form. I sigh and lean into Cody. He gently licks me and I laugh.

I hear the team having a heated argument. I look round for some clothes.

I find some in the corner, I trot over to them. I let my body relax as the phrase takes hold.

My wounds rip and tear, I clench my jaw so I don't yell out.

After I quickly pull in the clothes and Cody leans against me so I can see.

I sit down near Toby. My brother stays asleep the whole way. I look out of the window, trees fly by and the sun starts to set.

"you ok?" Toby ask me.

"I'm fine, are you?" I say.

"Yes I'm just glad we found you in time" He replies

"Me too" I say laughing

My side hurts and I shift uneasily. "come here let's try and get that bullet out" Toby says.

I crawl over to him and he grabs my leg. "this is going to hurt" he says.

Cody takes my hand and together we fight the pain. I yelp when Toby digs the knife into my leg. The bullet hole has closed up.

I grit my teeth, the pressure increases. Just as I start to pass out, Toby pulls out the small bullet.

"Thank god" I say.

"Now for the stitches and I could do your back as well" Toby says.

I nod and turn so my back is to him. I feel the first one and then the next. I start to breath deeply in and out.

It takes about an hour and I yawn. My eyes start to drop and I find myself slumping forward. "Time for bed" Toby says laughing.

"Not yet I need to make sure my brothers ok" I say yawning.

"Well he has only woke once and that was briefly" Toby says with kindness.

"I know" I sigh.

"He's going to be ok, love" Cody says, trying to cheer me up.

"I hope so" I say.

I lean into Cody and he wraps his arms around me. As he kisses my neck I laugh. I hear my brother stir and I become fully alert.

"Grace, I'm sorry. my fault" He mumbles.

I get up and kneel beside him, "No Mark it's not. I love you" I say.

I see his eyes flutter and I'm glad Cody is here so I can see. His eyes open and I feel tears of joy roll down my face. "Grace what, when, where" He stutters.

"OK bro, I'm going to give it to you straight and you might think i've lost it but it's all true ok" I say.

He nods and I say " We are werewolves, and this is my new pack. They saved my life and yours. We are heading to our house and you will be ok."

His face pales and I feel fresh tears, Cody pulls me to him and he whispers in a different language to me.

"OK, all that matter is that we are alive" Mark says after a while.

"Thank god you are ok" I say hugging him.

I feel the car pull into a drive and I look out of the window, my new house looms over me. Warmth spreads through me. I'm home and I have my brother back I think to myself.

I get out and ask Cody to get my brother. Toby links his arm through mine as Cody gently picks up Mark.

I stumble over and Toby helps me. "Grace why are you letting him guide you?" I hear Mark say.

"I was blinded" I say more like a statement then an answer.

"Shit" He says just as he passes out again.


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love and peace.

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