Chapter Six: Dead or alive

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I wake to Cody shaking me, "What" I say dazed. I look around and see the sun has only just come up. I curl back up and try to sleep again.

"Get up, we need to go over the plan" Cody says, shaking me again.

I jump out of bed and Cody hands me my clothes. I dress as fast as I can and then we go downstairs.

"Hey, you ready for this?" Toby asks me as we walk in.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I reply with a laugh.

We all sit at the table just as the door opens. "hey I'm back" Toby's mum says.

"Hey mum, I missed you" Toby says, going and hugging her.

I smile and tie my light orange hair up. "this is shit" Hunter suddenly blurts out.

"What do you mean?" I ask, taken back.

"You can't even see so how are you going to know if it's your brother or not, why can't Cody go with you that way I would know your safe" she replies.

"I can't lose another person in my family" she says quietly.

"I'll be fine, I can still know if he's my brother, his scent " I say.

"I- I'm just scared of losing you" she said.

I hug her and whisper in her ear "I will always be with you, remember if I die then never ever give up. I love you and I'm sorry I ruin your birthday"

"I love you too sis" she says.

I smile and look at what I have come to think of as my family. "I will find my brother, if he's there and I will come back, don't think you can get rid of me that easy" I say to them all.

I here the hunters and tense, I look at Cody who will not be with me. I know from the moment I step outside I will be without my sight once again.

I walk hand in hand with Cody and the rest fall in behind us, I turn and look at them one last time. then the hunters come and grab my arm.

I walk down with them, my sight has gone as Cody stayed with the pack. I sigh and they push me in the back of their van.

The van starts and I wait for what is to come, I wonder if my brother is really there or if this was a trick to get me back at the centre, maybe it's both.

My mind goes into over drive as my heart rate increases, my eyes dart around, not able to see anything, I start to breath faster and realise I'm about to have a panic attack.

I sit cross legged and start to breath as deeply as I can, I close my eyes and my technique start to work, I feel my heart start to go back to normal and I relax as much as I can.

I sigh and lay down my eyes see blackness and I wish I knew where we were going. Just as I'm about I fall asleep because of the pressure I hear a voice from my earpiece.

"Hey can you hear us?" Toby says.

"Yes, I'm sort of scared" I admit.

"Hey baby I'm here, I'll be here all the way I promise" Cody says and I smile.

"Hey, thanks C I love you" I say calling Cody by the nick name I gave him.

"We know where you are, and we will send a team up after you found your brother, you have half an hour then we will sweep and attack ok?" Toby says.

"Ok" I say.

I feel the van turn into a drive and I give a little whimper. The van doors open and I'm dragged out.

"Be nice to our guest" someone says and the guards let me go.

"This way Grace" the same person says.

I roll my eyes and say "I can't see"

"Oh my yes I forgot about that" he said then puts his arm around me, to guide me.

I cringe away from the contact, wishing it was Cody and not this strange man.

I'm led into a room and I smell something like a werewolf but has chemicals mixed in as well. "is that Mark?" I ask.

"Yes, he's fine" he says.

I sigh in relief and whisper to my pack "I found him" .

"That's great we will be right there, be careful" Toby says.

The man pulls me away from Mark an I tense, I feel the man pull me onto a metal table and he ties me down.

"Let me go" I growl trying to stop him.

I feel the sharp pain of a silver knife and I let out a scream. "Grace what's happening?" I hear Cody's frantic calls and shout through my ear but I can't respond.

I arch my back as even more pain overloads my senses, I smell burning of flesh and notice they are testing my pain tolerance.

I scream for the final time before blacking out, I try my hardest to fight it but the pain wins and I fall into eternal darkness.

I wake up in agony and I hear the team trying to wake me up." Toby I'm ok" I say.

"We are here, we have your brother safe but we don't know where you are" Toby says.

I look around me, nothing seems like I would know it.


thank you for reading, sorry for the cliff hanger :)

hope you liked this chapter

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love and peace.

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