Welcome To Macon

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(Vincent's Pov)

"In other news well known musician Vincent Aldon has ended his career due to complications with one other band mate Minerva Leigh, the two were engaged to be married in the Summer time but for reasons unknow it was called off, one fan had said they saw the two arguing but they don't know why, we have contacted both Minerva and Vincent to talk about what happened along with any other band mates, though only Minerva has accepted the interview Vincent has yet to call back or even talk to us." The radio host spoke as I looked to it as I drove my car. I sighed a bit as I continued to listen in as I drove into Georgia.

"So, what do you think happened?" I hear a woman speak on the topic.

"Same thing with all musicians they thought they were in love but turns out they aren't it was lust, though with Vincent's past as far as we know something may have happened to cause the break, though I am not blaming him for the whole thing, he might have been part of the reason, if he would come to the interview, we can get both sides of the story." A man spoke and I decided to turn the channel on the radio and listen to some soft music from my phone and I leaned on the window frame as the wind blew in my hair. I was driving a good while before I had hit a place called Macon, my head was pounding a bit from the long drive so I stopped at a drug store and I parked my car, got out then locked the doors. I walked into the store and looked around a bit, I saw an elderly couple at the counter and I smiled to them and waved. They smiled back at me and I looked down the isle and found come Ibuprofen and I looked to get some candy they had as well.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. and Mrs., Everett, baseball practice ran a bit late and AJ was in the principal's office again." I hear and I look up to see a girl wearing a worn and faded baseball cap with the letter D sewn into it. She was very pretty so to speak, and I listened in a bit.

"Oh, it's ok Clementine, how's AJ doing?" The older woman said.

"He's ok, just got scold by Dad for biting another kid is all, but his grades a good so there's that." I hear the girl explain to them and I head to the counter.

"Hello." The girl Clementine says to me as I see her put her nametag on and I smiled.

"Hello." I say as I set the items on the counter.

"Hmm, didn't drink enough water?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Yea, plus driving for damn near sixteen hours can do this too." I say as she scanned the items and typed away on the computer.

"I'd suggest drinking Gatorade gets the electrolytes and stuff." She says and I smiled.

"Going to be a doctor?" I asked and she smiled and shook her head.

"No, just know from playing sports." She says and reads out my total and I pay for the items.

"You seem oddly familiar." She says and I look at her and I scratch my beard a bit.

"People say that a lot." I tell her.

"You're not a local I know that." She says and I chuckled.

"How can you tell?" I asked as she bagged the items.

"Well, you have a bit of a thicker southern accent, I'll say Texas? And people in this small town now each other and I don't know you, so there's that." She explained and I chuckled as I grabbed the bag.

"Well, I was born in Texas so you're right on that, and no I don't live here, just passing through." I tell her.

"Where you headed?" She asked and I looked to her as I moved to the side a bit of the counter.

"Heading back to Texas, I was in Virginia not that long ago." I tell her and she looked to the side a bit and she sees a magazine and I see it as well; the magazine has a photo of me and Minnie on the cover basically talking about our break-up.

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