What Am I To Do?

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(Vincent's Pov)

The morning had come quicker than what I would have wanted. I got up and got dressed for the day, we wore black like you usually do at a funeral. I look at Brody and she nods as we head out to the kitchen and I look to see mu mom and dad as they drank some coffee and I pour myself a cup and look to them.

"You going to be, ok?" My mother asked and I nod at this.

"Yea... what about you two?" I asked.

"We'll be fine, it's ok." My dad says and I nod a bit. I make a cup of coffee for Brody and she nods taking it. We all just took the time to think to ourselves and I finished my coffee and as everyone finished theirs, I go and clean them and set them on the drying rack.

"Alright let's head on out." My dad says and I nod as we head to my dad's truck and I go take a seat in the bed and Brody takes a seat next to me and I nod to her. My dad drives us to the church and I feel the wind in my hair and I close my eyes a bit. I felt the truck stop and I open my eyes and looked around a bit to see the church and I lean my head back a bit at this.

"Hey you good?" Brody asked and I look at her and nod a bit as I got up and out of the truck bed. We headed into the church and saw the other family members along with Grandma's lawyer. We all took our seats and I look at the urn a bit before the pastor came out and began his speech on life and death and how tragic it was to lose someone we love dearly. Some people even went up and talk about how much they loved grandma but, in all honesty, I was pissed, not at grandma, but at my family. No one cared about her, they only wanted her money or something from her, and her being the kind woman she was, she would give to them.

"Would you like to talk Vincent?" The pastor asked and I look at him and then to my mother and father as they nod to me. I get up and I stand next to the urn a bit then looks to the family and I clench my hands into fists a bit. I take a breath and I look at them.

"I honestly have nothing to say other than I'm going to miss grandma, she was the one good thing in this family." I say and look to the pastor and I head back to my seat. As time went by, I was able to get my grandmothers ashes and we thanked the pastor and we went and took her ashes to my grandfathers' grave and they had a spot to place them. When done we headed back to the church where we were instructed by the lawyer to head back inside for the reading of the will.

"In this Will written by Patricia Aldon, it is stated that Vincent Aldon will get everything, where as each member of the family will receive the amount of one dollar. Vincent is allowed to give up anything he doesn't want to family since it is his property now but no one is allowed to contest this in court, though it has been stated that Karen, and her husband are not allowed to receive or ask for anything from Vincent, but their children may ask so long as it pertains to them and not the parents." The lawyer says and I was a bit confused at this.

"What the hell." Karen says and I look down.

"Calm down, it is also said that if you all can get along then you may ask Vincent for something if he truly believes that you aren't lying to him... it's stated that you cannot place blame on him for anything that happened to your grandmother, stop being transphobic, and the list basically goes on... you do get something out of it just have some rules to abide by." The lawyer states and I sit up a bit and look at him as he nods.

"This is bullshit, why does she get to choose if we get something or not?" Raymond says pissed.

"This is what she had wanted and these are the rules you all have to abide by, and seeing as you didn't use Vincent's preferred pronoun this makes things a bit harder for you." The lawyer states and I rubbed my head a bit at this. In all honesty this was going to cause me hell but Grandmother knew what she was doing. When this was all done, we left to the vehicles and I was standing by my dad's truck as I loosened my tie and looked to Brody.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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