An Eventful Day

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(Vincent's Pov)

I was laying on the bed for a bit before I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me and I opened my eyes to see Clementine looking at me. I sit up a bit and see that she was wearing a purple bikini and I stare at her a bit before I shook my head and I got up.

"Oh uh, heh I can change now?" I asked and she nods as I get up and I grabbed a pair of shorts and I go into the bathroom to change. I kept my shirt on as I walked out and we both head to the pool and I see the others lounging around a bit. There's still some light out and I go take a seat by the edge of the pool and put my feet in the water and Clementine takes a seat next to me.

"So how was your day today Clementine?" Louis asked as he swam up to her and she looked at him.

"It was fun, and yours?" she talked to him and I looked to Brody as she came and sat next to me.

"How are you, Vincent?" She asked.

"I'm doing good, just getting tired is all but nothing bad." I tell her truthfully.

"Oh, you could have told us, we could have hung out at another time." She tells me and I nod.

"I know but I haven't seen you guys in months so it's fine." I tell her and she nods then I was splashed with some water to my face and I look to see Tenn. as him and Marlon looked away and I smirked as I got up and took my shirt off. I dived into the water and got under Tenn. as I picked him up and threw him as best as I could into the water. He got back up and he was laughing as Marlon came up to me and put me in a headlock and we just started to water wrestle for a good few minutes. Next think I know Mitch and Willy, both joined us as we splashed around a bit and I moved to the side just as Marlon grabbed a water gun and started to spray us all. I hear some laughing and I looked to see Clementine looking at us and covering her mouth trying to hold back a laugh and I came up to her.

"Want to join in?" I asked.

"No, you go have fun though." She says and I shake my head a bit getting some water on her and she laughed a bit at this.

"Come on it'll be fun." Louis says and I look o him then back to her.

"I'm fine trust me." She says and I look at her a bit and I get up on the side and sit next to her as the others go bac to their game and I looked at her more.

"Don't like the water?" I asked quietly.

"It's not that I don't like it... I just never got to learn how to swim." She says and I look at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't." I tried to say but she stopped me.

"It's fine you didn't know... it's just the last few times I tried to swim didn't end well, so I just didn't want to try again." She says and I nod.

"I understand... but if you ever want to try when you're comfortable then I could teach you how if you want that is, I'm not rushing you or anything." I rant on and I hear her laugh a bit.

"I'd like that actually." She says and I smile and nod at this. Tenn. and Willy both came back over to us and I got back I the pool as we played a bit longer until the lights on the pool came on and Tenn. and Willy started to get a bit tired. We let them head back in and I along with Clem followed them to their room and waited for them to go to bed.

"Are you ever going to go back with the band?" Tenn. asked and I looked at him.

"I'll think on it, that's all I can say buddy." I tell him.

"Could we go fishing again?" He asked.

"Yea, can we?" Willy asked and I looked to both of them then to Clementine and she looked at me.

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