Chapter Five

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I woke up to the smell of food. Lights and Eric were cooking. Austin and Skyler were playing a card game on the floor, and I could hear Elliott, Riles, and beau in the kitchen. "Okay. I just tweeted a pic of Elliott and Riles and I wrote '#NotSoForeverAloneElliott' " They laughed. I just stayed on the couch watching Austin and Skyler. I was mainly watching Skyler. He was so perfect. His cheeks, freckles, hair, eyes.... His eyes. ugh. I sat up and looked around. 

"Hey! Look who's awake!" Austin said with a welcoming smile. Skyler looked up and smiled at me. 

"Good morning, how did you sleep" Skyler asked.

"I slept just fine even with you two battling each other with your snoring." I said giggling. 

"Breakfast!" Lights called from the kitchen. We ran there to get our food.


After we ate we went to the rec room and I put my Ipod on Lights Ihome. The song TurNup started playing and Riles started dancing Mos Wanted's dance for that song. After that song was over we hung out while listening to my music on shuffle. After a few hardcore songs were on the song When You Can't Sleep At Night came on. Beau took Lights hand, lifted her from her seat and started slow dancing with her. Elliot and Riles did the same.

Austin got up and came to me. "Can I dance with my number one fan?" He asked with his hand out. I took it and he pulled me right up. I reached to put my arms on his shoulders and he ut hit on my hips. We smiled and started swaying together. After the song ended Lights and beau sat down. Me and Austin parted but then another slow song started. It was Give Me Love by Ed Sheeren. Elliott and Riles just kept swaying together. They were perfect together. I sat down next to Skyler. 

"Who is this?" He whispered to me.

"Ed Sheeran." I whispered back. The song ended and it was quiet. Elliott sat down grinning.

"Why did it stop" Skyler asked. 

"Hold on." I said. Parting glass started. When the second verse started I started singing along 

'Of all the comrades that e'er I had

They are sorry for my going away

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had

They would wish me one more day to stay....' 

After I finished I looked up and everyone was staring. I blushed and looked down. We all were calm and happy but Beau just had to ruin to moment with his phone in hand. "Hey, Riley, why are the fans noticing you? They keep saying 'That's one of the girls that  ran away.' Why would they say that?" Beau asked. 

"Uhm. I don't.. I don't know." She said with a blank face. But he already knew she was lying. Just then there was a knock on the door from down stairs. Beau looked pissed. He showed his phone screen to Riles. It was a police report of us. I jumped us and looked out the window. It was the police at the door. Lights went to go answer it and I ran to get our stuff in the guest room Riles stayed in. I grabbed my bag and hers and went back to her. Elliott was gone and she looked sad. "He's pissed at me.” She said looking down.

"Do you still want to run or..?" 

She looked at me for a minute. "Of course I do." she said, grabbed her bag and went to the stairs. We peeked around the corner. Lights and Beau were talking to the police. The police man said a neighbor saw us. We tip toed to the back door and went out swiftly and quietly. There were some woods behind the house so we ran into those. We ran as fast as we could. After a while we slowed down a bit to catch our breath. I looked at her. "You okay?" I asked.


"What did he say?" 

"He just feels like I lied to him. I did. I hurt him." She wouldn’t look at me. 

I changed the subject. "We need to get to San Diego if we want fake IDs."

"Okay." I grabbed her and brought her in for a hug. After the hug we started walking again in silence.   I knew where to go since I've been in these woods before. I used to live here in Cali, not too far away from here. I'd run from home for a day and just walk through these woods. We just walked. It was so quiet I sometimes forgot she was with me…

(Sorry this is short and lame. I’ll try to do better next chapter!!! <3 )

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