Chapter Eight

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I woke up in an uncomfortable bed alone. We ended up going to a hotel in the middle of the night. The two couples got their own rooms and left me alone. It made me sad and kind of happy. I looked at the calendar on my Ipod and found that it was February 7th. It was Riles birthday. I jumped out of bed when I realized this. I ran out my room and starting banging on her door across the hall. Elliott answered with messing hair and a sleepy face, in his boxers. Before he asked me what was going on I ran into the room and stated jumping on the bed that Riles was sleeping in. "What the hell?!?!?" She yelled.


"Go away" she said with her face in the pillow.

Elliott walked in slowly. "It's your birthday, love?" He asked while yawning. I plopped right down on the bed by her legs. He sat on the bed and leaned in to ear and whispered. "Happy birthday" and kissed her head.

 I fan girled on the spot.  "AWWWWWWEEEEEE." I squealed and rolled off the bed.

"Ugh why didn’t you tell me? I want to get you something!" Elliot exclaimed.

"I don't want anything! I have you and my best friend. That's all I need." She said sitting up. I smiled giddily. Elliott rested his forehead on hers and they just looked at each other. 

"YOU TWO ARE DOING THIS TO ME ON PURPOSE!" I yelled getting up. They laughed at me. 

"Get dressed. I’m  getting you breakfast." Elliott said looking at Riles. 

"Are you coming?" She asked. 

"N'aw, man. I'll let you two have a fancy date together without the third wheel." I said. 

"You wont be a third wheel!" She said.

I laughed. "Yeah. You said that when you left me with Audrey and Jake. I was abandoned at the movie theater without a ride home." She gave me a puppy dog face. "I'll be hanging with you later. Calm down and be with your man!" I said and left. I walked into my room smiling to myself. I’m happy for her. I sat on my bed and started listening to Upon This Dawning. They were really good to be honest. I smiled to myself thinking of Andrea. My smile faded after a moment of me in deep thought. Whenever I’m happy I just have to ruin it by thinking of the worst things ever. I curled up in the scratchy bed and started crying. Cried tears I needed to let out. I haven’t cried in a long time, so it’s about time I let it out. I fell asleep to the song New Beginnings.

I woke up to some knocking on my door. I got up and stubbed my toe. “AAGAH. FUCK YOU.” I screamed at the bed. I opened the door. I must have had a scary face on because the guy backed up a bit when he saw me. “Yes?” I said sourly.

“I… Uh I’m here to pick you up.” He said in an Italian accent. He had long brown hair and a cute face.

“Pick me up? Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Matty from Upon This Dawning.” He said smiling.

“Okay, cool. Why are you picking me up?”

“You’re going on a blind date!” He said and a bag went over my head.

“Hey! What the hell?!?!?” I yelled. Two set of arms grabbed me and picked me up. I started kicking until two strong hands stopped me.

“Shut up and be quiet Cass.” Said a voice I knew.

“SKYLER!!!!” I screamed.

“SHHHHH”  I stopped kicking and tried to calm down. I breathed.

“okay. Fine.” I said. The hands on my feet moved away from me. “What is going on?” I said when we were in a elevator.

“I told you. You’re going on a blind date.” Matty said right next to my ear. He and someone else was carrying me.

“Who else is here?” I asked.

“Andrea!” the second guy holding me said. I didn’t say anything. But he did continue talking. “The night me ant you talked was a test. I wanted to know more about you for my friend. He's single and needs someone as sweet and strong as you.” He said. I still said nothing. I didn’t know what I felt. We got at of the elevator when it stopped and I heard some gasps when they walked out.

“It’s okay. They’re just a couple of idiots I’m going to kill later!” I assured the people. We laughed and I heard a door open and felt a gush of fresh air. They walked for a bit and I heard a van door slide open and they put me down guiding me to the seats. Someone was about to buckle me in but I nearly bit him. “I can do it.” I snapped.

“Wow. You are fisty.” Matty’s voice said. I shook my head and leaned back.

After awhile of driving we finally stopped. We got out and I felt the sun on me. I heard kids playing. “Were are we?” I asked.

“See for yourself.” Skyler said and pulled off my blind fold. The sun was blinding so it took me a moment for my eyes to adjust. It was a park with a field and play toys. Matty put his arm around me and guided me to a picnic set up. There was a basket of food and a black blanket. Matty gestured for me to sit down. “Just wait here, love.” He said. I sighed and sat down. He winked at me and walked away. I could leave but there’s free food. I waited for about 10 minutes until I heard someone yelling in a different language. I saw Andrea holding another guy’s hand behind his back. He was blind folded. Andrea let go of him and pushed him onto the blanket and ran for to the van. The guy pulled off his blind fold. “AAH THE SUN.” He said shielding his eyes. I laughed. He looked at me and just stared. I raised my brow. “What?” I asked.

“N-nothing” He said looking down. I shook my head and laid down on my back and looked up at the sky. “What’s your name?” He asked after a minute.


“I’m Teo.” He said. I just waved my hand. I was being rude but I didn’t care. “Okay….” He said awkwardly.  I sighed and sat up and looked at him. He had spiked hair and a strong chin. He also had a full sleeve tattoo. Damn, he was good looking. I bit my lip and looked down at my crossed legs. He giggled. “So are you hungry?” He asked.

“Uh.. yeah, sure.” I said looking up at him. He opened the basket and dumped it out. I had a big bag of Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish and Red Vines with Juice packs. I laughed and he smiled at me. I opened the Swedish Fish and ate one.

“So how did you get here?” He asked after he ate some.

“Same way as you but they were more nice to me.” I said with a wink.

He laughed “Yeah I did put up a good struggle.”  We laughed and ate. We talked and talked for what felt like hours. We both were scooting in closer to each other until finally I felt sick from all the food and laid my head down on his legs and looked up at the sky. “Tired?” he asked. I just nodded and closed my eyes. “How old are you again?” Ugh the question that always got in the way…

I sighed. “17.”

“Oh” He sounded disappointed.

“Yeah, age always gets in the way.” I whispered. I felt him move a bit and then I felt his lips on mine. My eyes shot open in surprise but then they closed and I kissed him back. We were kissing the same way Spider-Man and Mary Jane did. He pulled away and looked at me. “I could care less about your age.” He whispered and kissed me one more time. This one was shorter since we were cut off by a loud squeal. We looked over to see Rile and Elliott watching us.

“Go away!” I yelled/laughed.  Me and Teo got up and threw the garbage in the basket.

“No! We’re her to pick up!” Riles yelled and ran over to finish up picking up the stuff. She folded the blanket and carried it to the car. Elliott threw the garage away and put the basket in the back of the car with the blanket. Before we left Riles pulled me away from Teo for a talk.

“So I got some news” She said.

“Oh dear god. You’re pregnant?!?!?” I said playfully.

“What? NO!” She said and punched my shoulder. “Ew, no.”

I laughed. “So what is it?”

“Uhm… We’re going back to California.” She said looking away.

I stopped dead in my tracks. “What?”

(A/N aw snap. What? Going back to Cali?!?!?! They need to got to NY!! lol I hope you liked this chapter.)  

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