Chapter Four

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We got to Beau's place at 7pm. Elliott showed us around and then got us something to eat. Beau and Lights were hanging out in the living room with the rest of BlessTheFall and Lights band. More people started coming around 8pm. Riles was on Elliott's lap and they were laughing and having fun. I sat in the kitchen with a monster in hand while listening to the loud music playing in the house. I was reading what was on the back of the monster over and over again till it was burned into my mind. Then I heard a familiar voice. "CASSANDRA!?!?" I looked up and saw Skyler. The creeper guy. "Hey!" He said approaching me.

"Uhm.. Hi."  I said quietly.

"You're so quiet I can barely hear you love." He yelled over the music. "Do you want to go outside?" God, he was so attractive. I just nodded and got up to follow him through the back door. I shivered a bit when we got outside. "Here." He put his jacket on me like someone would do in a movie. We started walking down the street.

"Why are you so interested in me? We don't know anything of each other.. except our names." 

"I don't know. You just... When I saw you, there was something that made me want to know you... I don't know, I just went with my gut." He said.

"So do you usually fall in love at first sight?" I teased.

"I never said I was in love... you just looked like someone I would like.." He said.


"So... What’s your favorite book?" He asked.

"Uhm.. Perks Of Being a Wallflower or Dreamland."

"Favorite movie?"

"Thor or The Amazing Spider-Man"

"The new one?"


"WHAT?!?! The old ones are way better!"

"They are good but they don't have Andrew Garfield." I said giggling.

"Whatever.. Favorite dri-"

I cut him off " Don't I get to asks questions?" He smiled and we both started talking about things. About music, food, books people. Anything we thought of. Until We got back to Beau's home. I didn't even know we turned. When we got inside all the people were gone except for all the guts of BTF, Lights, Riles, and holy crap it was Austin Carlile. I almost fan girled when I saw him. He was in the kitchen with beau and Lights, Riles was cuddling with Elliott on the couch asleep, and the rest of the guys were up stairs playing Mario Cart. I could hear them.

"Hey is that your friend with my brother?" Skler asked.

"Yeah.. Wait, Elliott's your brother?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. That's why I'm here tonight. I'm his little bro." He said smiling.

"Wow... Small world."

"Yeah." We walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Hey guys where did you two go? You missed the whole party!" Beau said.

"We went for a walk." I said in a small voice. I was shy because of Austin. He walked to me, put his hand out "We haven’t been introduced. I'm Austin Carlile." He said with his killer smile.

I took his hand "I kno- I mean I'm Cassandra." I said as I shook his hand. He laughed and let go.

"So you're a fan?"

"Yeah. Your music sort of said my life." I said looking down at my arms.

"Really? How?" He asked and sat in the chair next to me.

"Well. I started getting picked on when I was in 8th grade. It was rough. I didn't have any legit friends who cared. The summer before I was going to high school I heard Of Mice & Men and... It really helped me with... just getting through the day." I looked up. He was watching me fidgeting with my sleeves.

"Did you self harm?" He asked seriously.

"Yeah... But I stopped. Last year. I'm doing better." I said and smiled at him.

"That's great!" He said with a big smile and got up and hugged me. After the hug I just kept looking down. They laughed at me.

"Wow your face is almost as red as Eric's hair." Beau teased.

"Or Alan’s." Austin said

"Or Jesse’s from Sleeping With Sirens." Skyler added.

"Okay stop! I get shy sometimes!" I said laughing with them. Riles and Elliott came in holding hands.

"Whoa. Forever Alone Elliott is not so alone." Beau said. Riles blushed, let go of his hand and walked to me and sat on my lap. Her hair was a mess in the back from the couch.

"Everyone is a couple here. Except Skyler, Austin, and Cass." Light pointed out. Austin looked at me and winked. I shook my head and I hid my face in Riles back. She laughed at me. "Austin, no. You're too old." Lights said laughing.

"Awh damn." He said. I kept my head rested on her back cause I was getting tired.

"We have a spare room if you two don't have a place to go." Lights offered.

"Uhm. Yeah.. If you guys don't mind.." Riles said.

"No not at all." Beau said.

"Can I actually sleep on the couch?" I asked picking my head up looking at them.

"Yeah of course you can." Lights said.

"I WANTED COUCH!" Austin whined.

"Awwh poor Austin. Baby, we can share" I said with a wink. We all laughed.


Later that night me and Riles planned on leaving in a few weeks cause Austin invited us to stay with him at his place and party with his friends. Me and Riles would lay low for a while. None of them knew so things were going good. I changed into sweat pants and crashed on the couch and Austin and Skyler took the floor below me. Riles was up stairs in her own room by herself because I wouldn't allow Elliott to sleep in the same bed. She was pissed but whatever. They can be that close when she's 18. I fell asleep to two guys snoring. I kinda liked it.

(A/N I don't know if Elliott really has any siblings. I just made up Skyler. He's not real. This one is long... I hope you guys like it! <3 )

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