Chapter Seven

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I woke up to Sky shaking my arm. "Hey you fell asleep." I opened my eyes and saw that we were parked on the side of a highway. I looked around. Elliott and Riles were still asleep in the back cuddling. The clock said 8:20AM. "Wow you were half asleep and parked us safely on the side of the road. Good job!" he said and patted my back. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

After going to a gas station for food and the bathroom, we got on the road again and Skyler drove for about for two hours. We were all chilling Elliott and Riles in the back giggling and whispering to each other, Skyler listening to music on the radio drumming on the steering wheel. I was just listening to La Dispute on my Ipod. After a while Skyler got into the exit lane. "What are you doing?  I asked confused. 

"We're picking someone up." He said smiling. 


"Uh.. Well, my wife" He said.

"Oh." I said shocked. "Okay." I looked forward and put in my headphones. Oh my god. I thought. he has a wife?!?! That makes no sense! Why the hell was he the biggest flirt to me if he has a wife? ugh I can't believe this! Damn all the hot nice guys to hell for teasing nice young girls! I changed my music to Motionless In White because I was getting pissed. We ended up at a hotel.  "I'll be back in a minute." He said smiling and left. I knew what he said by reading his lips. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I pulled out my headphones and looked at whoever wanted my attention. It was Elliott. 

"Hey, don't be pissed at my brother. I know he was flirting with you and stuff but he was doing it because he thought he and Ashlee, his wife, were over. But he got a call when you and Riley ran off a month ago and they worked things out. He didn't want to hurt you in anyway. Please don't hate him. He was confused." He said with puppy eyes. ugh I can see why Riles loves him so much! 

"I'll try to forgive him." I said. I turned back and looked ahead. Skyler came back hand-in-hand with a blond short girl. They were smiling at each other. My heart felt like it was shot at least ten times but I had a poker face on. Skyler looked at me and mouthed 'You're driving' Riles and Elliot got in the way back and I got out. I came face-to-face with the blond "Hi I'm Ashlee. You must be Cassandra." She said with her hand out. 

I took it and forced a smile "Yeah. It's nice to meet you." I said and let go of her hand. I got into the front seat as they got into the middle seats. I looked into the review mirror to see Elliott with pleading eyes. I shooked my head and adjusted the mirror so I see the road and not him. I started driving holding back tears. The radio started playing You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift so I instantly hooked up my Ipod and played some Memphis May Fire.

Three day later.

I was at a store buying some special lady products. I was leaving until two hands covered my eyes. I froze in fear. "Guess who." A familiar voice whispered in my ear. It took me a minute but then my mind clicked. "AUSTIN!?!?!" I turned around to the beautiful 6’4 man that saved my life. I jumped up to wrap my arms around his neck for a hug. He picked me up to hug me tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked after he put me down breathless. 

"I'm playing a show tonight. Elliott called and asked if I could get you guys backstage to hang out." He said grinning.

"Can you?!?!" I asked excited.

"Of course I can, silly! I'm here to take you to the venue in our bus." he said. I smiled and then I remembered what was in my bag. 

"Uhm.. Could you give me a minute?" I asked. He nodded confused. I walked to the cashier and whispered "Hey could you double bag this?" She looked up at me confused then she looked back a Austin and she understood. She double bagged it giggling at me. I growled at her and walked with Austin outside to his bus. I got to meet all the guys. Tino, Alan, and Phil are all really nice guys. Once we got to the venue Austin led me inside to where everyone was. We got to this room with three couches and a bathroom.  We all hung out for awile waiting for the show. A group of people came in and I nearly screamed. It was Sleeping With Sirens and Matty Mullins from Memphis May Fire. Matty was hand-in-hand with a tan, dark haired girl. I heard he had a wife but I never knew she was this gorgeous. "HAAAAAAAAAYYYY!" Kellin yelled like a gay guy while walking towards Austin and I. "Have a new girlfriend, Austin?" He asked and winked at me. 

" Haha. No. We're just friends. I could adopt her." He said laughing. 

"You should. I could yours and Alen's ugly baby" I said and we all laughed. "I'm Cassandra" I said to Kellin when he sat next to me. 

"I'm Kellin. But I guess you already knew that since you're wearing one of my band t-shirts." I looked down at my shirt and blushed a little. 

"SWS is a really great band. You have an amazing voice." I said smiling. 

"Thank you very much." He said. Jesse walked over and sat on Kellin. They starded wrestling and playing around so I got up laughing and walked over to Matty and his wife. They were just talking with each over by the wall near the door they came in. 

"Hey, I'm Cass." I said shyly.

"Hello, I'm Matty and this is Brittany." Matty said smiling to her. I smiled. 

"Sorry if I interrupted anything. I just had to say Hi." I said. 

"Don't worry, you didn't" Brittany said with smile. I smiled back. We got into a conversation about music and things. A hour later SWS was called to go one stage. I was on right side of the stage with Austin, Riles, Elliott, Brittany and Matty. They started with the song 'Do It Now Remember It Later' and then 'If You Can't Hang'. In between songs Kellin started a speech.

"This next song that we're about to play goes out to anybody that has a mother or father that wasn't there for them. See the way I feel is if you're man enough to create someone, you should be man enough to fucking stick around and see how they turned out." Then they started playing 'A Trophy Fathers Trophy Son'. Tears were streaming from my eyes while I was singing along. After a few more songs Kellin invited Matty on stage to sing 'Miles Away'.

After SWS was done Of Mice & Men were playing. I was afraid to hang around because I heard they can get pretty crazy but since they were my favorite I decided to watch.  OM&M were jumping around and rocking out on stage and the fans were partying along with the music. I was singing/screaming along. They started playing Second & Sebring. Towards the end of the song Kellin ran on stage to sing the famous part everyone loves. When he was done he ran to me and pulled me on stage. "YOUR TURN!" He yelled over the music. "

I took the microphone and sang. "This is not what it is, only baby scars.I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side."  I smiled and gave the it back to Austin. 

"WE ARE OF MICE & MEN!" The crowd cheered. "GOODIGHT EVERYONE AND THANK YOU!" He said and we walked off the stage together. We got to the room backstage laughing. "CASS, YOU WERE GREAT!" Riles said. 

"Thank you." I said and everyone continued talking. It was hot and stuffy so I got up to take a walk. Once I got to the exit when a voice with an italian accent came up behind me. "Mind if I join you?" I turned to see Andrea Moserle from Upon This Dawning. 

"Uh. No. No I don't mind at all." I said smiling. We walked in awkward silence for moment. 

"So. Have you listened to my band?" He asked. His accent was so cute! I thought.

"Uh. I've heard of you guys but I haven't listened to your music yet." I said.

"Oh. But you will?" 

"Of course!" I said. "I love hearing new music." I smiled at him. We got into a conversation about whatever we could think of. We ran into a couple of his fans but when kept walking. I swear we must've walked around that block about 30 times. We got back to the venue. His band's bus driver was calling for him to get back so they could leave. "I have to go." he said and looked at me. He scratched his neck "Will we be in touch?" He asked. 

"Yeah. I don't have a phone right now but I do have a Instagram on my Ipod touch." 

"Okay. I'll find you on there. and a twitter?" I giggled at the way he said ‘twitter’ 

"Yeah my URL, for both, is Im_Wednesday." He nodded and typed it into his phone. I smiled. 

"So. I'll see you sometime soon." he said and gave me a hug. He smelt and felt very nice. I smiled. He pulled away and started walking backwards towards his bus. I waved goodbye and turned around. I found Riles and Eliott at the car with Skyler and Ashlee. "Hey. Austin says bye. He was said he didn't get to say it himself. agian." Riles said. I frowned and got into the front. I got on my Ipod to follow Andrea back and to tweet an apology to Austin. I started driving. I forgot about the feeling I had for Skyler. He and Ashlee were kind of cute together. I was okay with being single. More then okay, I was happy. 

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