I've been struggling with whether or not Slenderman is real.
So I know that Slenderman was made up on SA forums. Sure, he's terrifying, but lets face it. He's made up. Thats not to say that theres not some kind of supernatural entity out there. So thats where I need you guys. I'm no expert, and this is a throwaway account, so I'm going to give you the whole truth, and I want you to give me the whole truth.
I'm not a very superstitious guy, but I have my fair share of stories that are unexplainable. Please note this story is not written to entertain, so excuse me if It's boring. Names have been changed for privacy's sake.
I was never what one would consider a normal child. I always knew that there was something else out there. My dad used to joke that I would stare outside my window for hours at a time, gazing into the forest just across the road. My dad doesn't joke anymore. Not after he saw what I was looking at.
We lived in the same house my whole life, a small, cozy home with two stories and four bedrooms. The street we lived on was fairly uninhabited, with only three other houses on our side and one on the other. The other side of the street, minus the one house that was built there, was completely empty and covered in dense, thick woods that went on for miles. One of my few friends used to go hiking in those woods for days. No one ever goes hiking there anymore.
Anyways, I grew up in a fairly normal environment. I attended the local elementary, middle, and high school (we had so few students that even public school was kindergarten through 12th grade). I never had many friends in my younger years, but one boy, Tom, has been my best friend since 2nd grade. I was a strange child; the teachers would send reports home with me to my parents about how instead of playing with the other kids, I would just stare off across the playground into the woods that surrounded us. One day, my second grade teacher decided to investigate what exactly it was I was looking at.William, what is it that you see?" she asked in a playful " voice.
I looked at her with a perfectly straight face and
said, "The big man, Mrs. Kelley. Don't you think he's
"Is the big man your friend?" she asked, naturally assuming that I was just imagining a friend since I had none at that time.
I heard another voice behind me. "I see him too William. I've already asked, he says adults can't see him."
I turned to see who this voice of reason was, and lo and behold, met my best friend for the next 16 years.
"Who are you?"
"My names Tom. I live near you, I've seen you outside before. You can see tall man too?"
"Boys, why don't you go off and play with the others? Tall man can wait until you get home," Mrs. Kelly said.
We both nodded, and ran off to swing on the swing set. I was taken aback, I always thought that I would be alone. But I liked Tom. He seemed like the kind of boy that I could be good friends with. Little did I know that my life would be in his hands in a short amount of time.
After Tom and I started hanging out, I saw less and less of big man. I remember one day I didn't see him at all on the playground, and ran up to the edge of the fence to call out and see where he went. As I opened my mouth to scream, Big man! Where are you?, I felt a hand slide over my mouth. It was Tom. His eyes were wide with fear.
"Shhh! What are you doing Will? He will get upset if you draw attention to him! Let's go play kickball."
I nodded my head in agreement, and that was the last time I thought of the big (tall) man for four years. Tom and became very close, spending every day together, in and out of school. He shared the same interests, the same ideas, and even the same dislikes. Everything had gone smoothly up until the summer after my 6th grade year, in the heat of July, when big man payed me an up close and personal visit, along with Death itself.
ParanormalLots of information, real photos, theories and experiences. Mostly research about the Slenderman. Completed book