FujioRock!Karamatsu and Killer!Reader

358 11 2

Write Your Way Challenge:
shimmering_clouds and myself (their version is now published!)

Universal Prompt: "Hymn For The Missing" by RED


This story contains mentions of human trafficking and violence.

If you, or someone you know, is a victim of human trafficking, please know that you're not alone in your situation. Please contact (888) 373 - 7888 or text 'HELP' to 233733 to get in contact with someone who is ready and willing to assist you (for U.S. readers). If you're not located in America, I implore you to look up your country's human trafficking hotline.

If you want to know more about what human trafficking is and how close it actually is to your home, please look for the Blue Campaign from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. There are a lot of useful tips on what to look out for, who to contact, and what you can do to help someone else out of a horrid situation.


"Are you really gonna wear that again?"

His attention was brought from the guitar that he was strumming quietly, glancing over his shoulder to the man leaning against his door frame. The red streak in his dark hair was unmistakable.

"Oso," He greeted the newcomer warmly, setting the guitar to the side as he shifted to look back at the man, "I wasn't expecting you to be finished warming up so quickly."

"I just sing," Oso scoffed as his eyes slightly closed, his focus locked on something behind the stummer, "Is she still sleeping?"

The man hummed gently in acknowledgement, his gaze shifting to where Oso was looking. A small form was huddled against the large prop black-and-blue wings that were leaning on a loveseat within the room, the sleeping figure breathing lightly as both of its hands were clutching to some of the feathers.

"She's been sleeping since we arrived an hour ago and she starts fussing when I try to leave," The man laughed a little before looking back to Oso, "Only my daughter can keep me from the spotlight."

"Is Genki going to watch her?" Oso asked quietly, moving into the room and squatting down next to the man still holding the guitar, "I'm going to need the guitarist to come on stage soon, Kara."

"I know, I know," Kara hummed again, "Just...give me a few more minutes with my little starshine, then I'll wake her up and give her to Genki."

Oso offered a reassuring smile before clapping a hand on Kara's shoulder, standing up in the motion after, "Hang in there, single dad. We're almost done with this tour and then you can retire for the year."

>>===¤ Seven Years Later ¤====<<

Ugh...why does it have to be one of these concerts...

My face twisted up in disgust as I eyed the posters that advertised the concert I was heading towards, six men with identical faces posing for the camera and each looking just as ugly as the next. I hated this kind of thing, but Dad wanted me to send them a message...so here I was.

I tugged on the long black sleeve nervously, my focus switching to the throngs of girls about my age hurriedly moving towards the house theater to grab their open spot.

It had to be one of these...J-pop bands, but a job was a job.

Clutching my small bag close under my right arm, I wormed my way through the crowd and into the open theater where the group was going to be performing, a little awestruck by the stage that was set up.

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