Part 8- I Love You

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Valentine's Day.

The one day of the year where couples celebrate their love and shower each other with gifts, candy, and much more.

This day was extra special for you because it was also your anniversary. You had been married to your former teacher for about 3 years now. You loved him with all your heart and you never once regretting marrying him. He, in return, loved you just as much, never failing to show you how much he loved you.


.:.:Flashback {Wedding Day}:.:.

"Oh my god, oh my god! I can't believe it's already the day!!" You squealed to your friend (F/n) who was also your maid-of-honour. She was originally shocked of your secret relationship with Makoto, but nevertheless she supported you in any way she could.

"You look beautiful (Name)!" You smiled. You had been waiting for this day for months. No, years. It was your fantasy to get married in a pure white wedding gown to the man who you loved most. You never thought you would marry your teacher though.

"M-ma!" Little (D/n) reached out to you, wanting to be held. You picked her up carefully so as not to damage your dress. She grasped onto your dress as you rocked her back and forth.

It had been about a year since your children were born. You were living with Makoto after a big discussion with your parents.

.:.:Even more Flashback:.:.

"M-mom, d-dad... I have to tell you something..." "What is it (Name)?" You bit your lip. You were extremely nervous and scared of their reaction towards your secret relationship with your teacher and your pregnancy. 

"I-I... I have a boyfriend." You said softly. Your mother's eyes brightened. "Is that so? You should invite him over sometime! We would love to meet him!" "Yes, I would like to meet this young man." You became even more nervous. Now they wanted to actually wanted to meet him? 


You were freaking out.

Makoto was going to be here in less than five minutes and he was going to meet your parents. You had tried as best you could to prevent this from happening. You were terrified of their reaction once they found out he was your teacher. You couldn't very well just say "So this is my boyfriend who's my teacher and by the way, I'm pregnant with his kid". You were probably going to get disowned or something. You cringed at the thought.

Ding dong~

"He's here..!" Your breath hitched. You couldn't do this. You felt like you wanted to throw up. 

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