Part 4- For You...

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Ring ring...

You groaned as you sat up, slamming your hand down on the annoying noise-maker. You shook Makoto, who was sleeping peacefully next to you, awake. He groaned as well, and sat up next to you. Makoto took this chance to wrap his arms around your swollen stomach and kiss it. You blushed.

Only two more months to go...

Makoto had been very affectionate of the baby. Anyone could tell that he would protect it with his life. He would buy tons of things for it, like clothes and stuffed animals, even though you didn't know the gender yet. You both (well more you than him) wanted to be surprised.

You got up and went to get changed into some comfy clothes. You were glad that you didn't have to go to school yet, since it was August. Makoto said that you shouldn't return to school until after the baby was born, so you decided to take online courses to keep your grades up.

You sat down and watched TV, happy that your favourite show was on. Makoto came to join you, and soon you two were cuddling on the sofa. Makoto always had a protective hold on your belly, like something was going to attack it at any time. You smiled, knowing that he was going to be a wonderful father.

Makoto's phone buzzed. He got a text message from Haru, one of his friends and another teacher at your school.

Makoto. Come to the pool. Bring (Name) too. Bring your swimsuits.

Makoto sighed. You read the text and also sighed. You should have expected this from Haru. The man loved to swim.

You and Makoto went to change into your swimsuits, then put regular clothes on top of them. Your swimsuit was a little tight on you since you were pregnant, but you didn't mind.

Makoto drove to the pool, where Haru and Makoto's other friends Nagisa, Rei, and Rin were waiting for you.

"Hi (Name)-chan!" Nagisa, another fellow teacher at your school, came running up to you and hugged you. "H-hello Hazuki-sensei..." You felt strange hanging around all these teachers at your school, since you were a student. Nagisa pouted. "(Nameee)!! I told you to call me Nagisaaaa!! Hazuki-sensei sounds too formal!!" He shouted at you. You sweatdropped. Rei came and scolded him. "Nagisa, she can call you whatever she wants!" Then he turned to you, "Sorry if he is being a bother to you (Name)." You waved it off. "It's ok Ryugazaki-san." Rin came up to you and put an arm around your shoulder. "How are you doing (Name)?" "Good... Tired." You said while rubbing your eyes.

All of Makoto's friends were teachers in your school. Rei was one of the science teachers, Nagisa was a social science teacher, Makoto was your Japanese teacher, Rin was the gym teacher, and Haru was the family studies teacher. You had all of them this year, with the exception of Rei.

You all decided to go in the pool, as you could see Haru gazing at the pool and getting impatient. You took off your clothes carefully, so you wouldn't rip any of them or damage them.

You dipped your feet in the pool. The water was very cool and refreshing. The rest shedded their clothes pretty quickly, Haru the fastest of course, and they all dived into the pool. You giggled. They all loved to be in the water; it was like their second home.

You walked into the pool a bit, the water covering most of your body. It felt good and relaxing. All of a sudden though, you felt water being splashed on your face! You saw Nagisa laughing at you. "Hazuki-sensei!!" You shouted and splashed water on him. Soon, all of you were engaged in a water-splashing fight.

After swimming, you guys decided to go to Haru's and eat. You ended up eating mackerel since Haru cooked. You were all currently relaxing, talking about random things. You dozed off on Makoto's chest. Makoto kissed your forehead, and put an arm around your stomach while talking to his friends.

You woke up for some strange reason. You kept your eyes closed though, since it seemed that the guys were talking about something serious and you didn't want to be a bother.

Until of course, you heard your name.

"Makoto, you know what will happen once they figure out that you got (Name) pregnant." You heard Rin's voice speak. "Yeah, especially since you were her teacher." Rei said in a stern tone. You heard Makoto laugh nervously. "I know... But they don't have to know." "Mako-chan... You're going to get in trouble!" Nagisa's voice piped up. You felt Makoto's hand run through your hair. "I know... But if it's for (Name) and the baby, I'll do anything." Guilt overcame you. It was your fault that he would be in trouble. If you hadn't fallen in love with him, then none of this would have happened. You held back your tears. If they saw you crying, they knew you would be eavesdropping on them, and it would be all over. You sighed, trying to drift to sleep, trying to get this off your mind.

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