[EXTRA] Precious

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"If you could only see, how much you meant to me..."

"Makoto, ready to go?" You called to your brunette husband. He stood up slowly, holding onto the sofa for support. You stepped forward to help him, but he shook his head. "Please, let me try by myself while I can." You nodded, standing aside in case he fell.

Once he succeeded, you linked your arm around his and helped him walk to the front door. He put his black shoes on carefully, with some help from you. You walked to the car together silently, before driving away.

"She'll be absolutely ecstatic to see you, you know? She hasn't seen you in a while." You told him, only to see a smile form on his face. "She hasn't seen me since..." He trailed off, remembering the incident which rendered his legs almost useless. "But she'll be glad to see you again, I'm sure!" You quickly changed the subject since you could feel the painful memories coming back to him. "Yeah, I'll be glad to see her, and everyone else again too!" He chuckled. Even with everything that had happened, Makoto was still the loving, kindhearted giant he always was.

"You'd know that I'd always be there, no matter what,"

"So this is the place, hm..? It's beautiful." Makoto spoke as he admired the building around him. "Yeah, they picked a nice place. I'm going to go find her, so stay here, alright?" He nodded before sitting down on a chair and checking his phone.

"Yeah, and don't for-! D-DAD?!" Makoto turned towards the familiar voice. "(S/n)! It's good to see you! It's been a while hasn't it?" He smiled sheepishly at his son. (S/n) walked up to his father, who was still sitting down, and gave him a hug. "How are you Dad? How's your legs? Where's Mom? What's-" "I'm good, thanks. She went to find your sister and left me here. How are you? I'm sure you've been busy. You guys should come out to visit sometime!" (S/n) grinned, "We were all planning to come by during the holidays! Actually-" "(S/N)!!" You hugged your son, who hugged you. "Mom, it's good to see you!" "You as well, but we can talk later: they're about to start!" You cheered and went to help your husband up. "Ah, it's time already?! I've gotta go, see you later!" (S/n) waved to you both as he ran to his position.

"And nothing will ever stop me from getting to you,"

"Are you sure you'll be able to do it? You shouldn't try to push yourself too hard..." You trailed off as you both walked towards your starting positions. Makoto let go of you, swaying a bit from being unstable. "No, I will do it, no matter what. I will never have this chance again, and if I do, there's a good chance I wouldn't be able to even stand. There's no question (Name); even if I fall down or feel like I can't take one more step, I'll keep trying, cause (D/n)'s only going to walk down that aisle once!" He stepped forward with fury in his eyes, determined to walk without your help. "But Makoto..! You're going to worsen your condition if you don't take it easy!" You furrowed your eyebrows. "I'd rather walk her down this time and never walk again than not walk her and stay this way!" He walked the rest of the way, albeit very slowly and using the wall as support. You sighed; he wasn't going to change his mind.

"Are you ready (D/n)? You're next!" Ran giggled. "I-I think so, Auntie." "Great! Just make sure not to trip over that beautiful dress of yours! You'll be just fine, don't worry about i-!" She stopped talking and (D/n) knew something was up. "Aunti-"

"ONII-CHAN!!" Ran ran towards her brother. (D/n) turned around and felt her eyes well up. "D-dad..?!" Makoto smiled at her and hugged her. "W-what are you doing here? You should be getting some rest! Your leg will-" "It's ok, I wanted to see you. This occasion will only happen once, won't it? Now come on, let's go." He pulled her arm gently. Slowly, they walked down the aisle together, everyone looking at them and taking pictures.

When they got to the front, (D/n) was almost crying, since she didn't want to ruin her makeup. Makoto gave her a soft smile before saying,

"Because you are my precious daughter."

Teacher!Makoto x Student!Reader {Full Series}Where stories live. Discover now