Part 2- Trouble

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You lazily woke up from your slumber, looking around your surroundings to find that this was not your bedroom. You weren't all that shocked however, you had been doing this for a long time already.

You had been living by yourself since your parents have been away for business. You had been staying over at Makoto's house for many nights now, so this was a regular thing.

You didn't want to get up for school however so you cuddled into Makoto's bare chest for warmth. 5 minutes later though... His alarm clock rang. Stupid clock... You thought as Makoto moved to turn off the noisy clock. You groaned. "Time to get up (Name)-chan." Makoto said as he got up out of bed. You got dressed in your school uniform and lazily walked downstairs to see your "boyfriend" teacher making breakfast while adjusting his tie. He served you some sausages. After that, you both picked up your belongings and headed to school. Err... Rather your house. In order to make sure your relationship wouldn't be discovered, Makoto dropped you off at your house, allowing you to take the bus with your friends, who weren't aware of your relationship. You were fine with it, because you wanted to keep on dating the attractive man.

*~At School~*

"(Name)!" Your best friend, (F/n), called as she ran in your direction. She knew of your all-time big crush on your teacher. "Did you hear the news?!! Tachibana-sensei apparently has a girlfriend!!" She yelled. Your eyes widened.

He has a what?

You ran to Makoto's classroom. You slammed open the door, not caring that he may have a class. Fortunately, he didn't. He was marking papers when he looked at you, startled. "MAKOTO!!" You yelled. "(N-name)..?" Makoto looked scared for his life. "You're... Dating someone..?" You looked down, clenching your fists. "W-what? I'm not cheating on you!" Makoto said nervously. "Then why is there a rumour that you are dating someone..?!" "Probably because I'm dating you?"


You hadn't thought of that... It was very possible that people could have thought that... Even though you both came separately, you spent a lot of time with the brunette teacher. He seemed to favour you over his other students as well. So there was the possibility of people thinking you were dating. Or they just had really good guessing skills.

"But how do they know we're dating?" He asked you while standing up from his chair. "I don't know... Maybe we have a stalker. A lot of girls like you, you know." He nodded. You two decided to go search it out.

You met up with (F/n) again after school, and she went on gushing about how Makoto had a girlfriend and how she was supposed to be really pretty since he wouldn't go after just anyone and that she was extremely jealous of her. You were kind of complimented in a way but you couldn't let her know that her best friend was dating the man everyone wanted but couldn't have. You asked her where she got the info. "Oh, I heard it since the female teachers were talking about it. They're pretty jealous too." So the teachers are in on it too? 'Better tell Makoto to be careful or he'll get caught.' The worst thing that could happen would be you both get kicked out of school. At least, that's what you think.

"Whaaaat?! The principal even knows?!" Makoto was scared. He didn't want to lose his job! "She can't know that you're dating a student so just tell her you're dating a girl you just met." You were trying to tell him but he was full-out panicking. "You don't understand (Name)!! I can lose my job!!"

"...Do you think we should... Break up..?" You asked carefully. Of course you didn't want to break up, but he seemed under so much stress and you didn't want to see him like that all because of you. "What?! No way!" He grabbed your hands and looked you in the eyes. "(Name). I need you in my life. You're the best thing that ever happened to me!"

"Well then... What do you want to do?" "I don't know... Keep our relationship for sure. But maybe tone it down a bit. Start by sleeping at your house. It'll lower their suspicions."

*~Next day~*

You woke up to you being the only occupant of your bed. You missed Makoto's warmth. He was always so comfortable... You didn't want to get up, so you stayed in bed, until a strange feeling rose in your stomach. "What the-?" You felt like you were going to throw up. You ran to the washroom and afterwards, you felt better. "Probably yesterday's dinner..." You said as you went to get dressed.

Before you actually left the house, you had thrown up 5 times. You decided to call in sick.

"I'm what?" You asked the doctor with wide eyes.

"You're pregnant, Miss (Name)."

Teacher!Makoto x Student!Reader {Full Series}Where stories live. Discover now