Part 5- Can't Sleep?

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A shrill cry awoke you from your sleep once again. You rose from your bed sleepily and walked to the other side of the room to find your little babies sobbing uncontrollably.

It had been like this for the past couple weeks. You would go to sleep, wake up like five times every night to comfort your children, then go back to sleep and hope to have at least an hour or two of peaceful sleep. However, that was not always the case. Sure, Makoto would always help you. He would get up almost as often as you did to calm the twins, but you couldn't help but still feel exhausted.

You were currently rocking your little daughter (D/n) who was crying. She had Makoto's hair and his eyes as well. She was like a little girl version of him. She was settling down a bit, to your relief. After she fell asleep, you picked up her twin brother (S/n), who looked Makoto thought looked more like you. You rocked him and after a bit, he too fell asleep. You tucked them both in then went back to your own bed and got under the covers.

You tried and tried but you just couldn't get back to sleep. You've been trying for an hour now but you just could not fall into a peaceful slumber.

You felt the covers next to you rustle a bit then you saw olive green eyes stare into yours. You blushed.

"(Name)...? Why are you awake...? Did the twins wake you up again...?"

You shook your head. "I can't fall asleep again."

Makoto wrapped his arms around you and pulled into his chest.

"It's ok... I'll stay up with you."

"N-no, you don't have to do that. You have class tomorrow too, you have to have your energy."

"It's ok (Name). Really."

You sighed. It was no use changing Makoto's mind after he made his decision. You cuddled into his chest for warmth.



"I was wondering... I know I don't have a big fancy ring with right now but... After you finish your online courses and after I finish this year of school... Would you... Marry me?"

You gasped. Had he just asked you... the question?

You looked up at him and he was smiling down at you. You smiled back.

"Of course I will Makoto. I love you."

"I love you too, (Name)."

You giggled. You were happy that he of all people was the one who would give you children and that he would marry you.

You couldn't be happier. You were going to marry the man of your dreams and you had two adorable children together.

Smiling at the thought, you fell asleep in your new fiancé's arms.

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