Part 7- Family

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Setting up the Christmas tree. A tradition you've been doing since you were a child. You always loved to hang the Christmas ornaments all over the tree. Now, you continued that tradition with your children, who reminded you of yourself when you were little. 

"Mommy~! Can I hang the bells on the tree?" (D/n) asked you with puppy dog eyes. You handed her the small ornaments and watched as she placed them carefully on the branches of the tree; the bells making a quiet chiming sound. (S/n) was busy helping Makoto wrap the silver tinsel around the large tree but somehow ended up getting himself wrapped in it instead. 

After an hour or so, you stood back and looked at your stunning tree. You smiled proudly; it looked amazing. "Good job you guys!" You praised your twins, earning a toothy smile from each of them. Makoto came up to you and ruffled your hair. "I think it looks better than ever." The brunette flashed a gentle smile that made your heart melt. You were suddenly reminded of one of the reasons you fell in love with him in the first place. 


"Mommy!! Daddy!!" The twins ran towards you and Makoto excitedly. "What is it?" You asked curiously. They never got this excited about something before. They looked at each other before turning back to you. 

"We know what we want for Christmas!!" They exclaimed, giggling the whole time. 

"What would you like?" Makoto asked, curious as to what they wanted so much. 


Your face flushed, and you were almost certain that Makoto's was too. The twins gave you puppy dog eyes which only came out when they wanted something really, really badly. 

"U-uh... A-Are you sure that's what you want?" They nodded vigorously. You sighed, knowing nothing would change their minds. They squealed happily, knowing that they had won you over. You looked at Makoto who just smirked at you. You knew you weren't going to get much sleep tonight… 


Christmas Day had finally arrived, and to be honest, you were quite grateful. You had been looking forward to your children's reactions when they got their gifts from Santa Claus. You heard their squeals of joy when they unwrapped their gifts, and you were overjoyed when Makoto was super happy about the new orca swim trucks you got him. You had a couple surprises in store for them still… 

The first one was very unexpected by all of the rest of your family. It was a small kitten. A beautiful one, which your kids and your husband took an immediate liking to right away. You were happy that they loved her, and they even decided to name her Flurry since it was snowing outside. You all played with Flurry for a while, but then you decided to announce the most important surprise. 

"So kids… What have you been wanting the most for Christmas?" You asked them with a smile on your face. The twins looked at each other with confused faces. "Toys?" They asked you, but you shook your head. "No… Didn't you say you wanted a sibling?" Their faces brightened up immediately. "Yeah!" You nodded, gesturing to your currently flat stomach. 

"It won't be here for quite a while but-" They rushed towards you, knocking you down in the process. They showered you with hugs and kisses. "H-hey don't hurt your mom or the baby!" Makoto worried as he tried to get them off you. You couldn't help but laugh. Your family was going to keep getting bigger and bigger, and you would never want to change it.

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