Intro: My friend Grim

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Hello, Grim Reaper here, but you can just call me Grim. I have a pretty exciting life. Picking up souls here, putting away souls there. And opposed to what theories say i love my job! Oh yeah, it has its perks. See everyone dies.. might as well get it over with while you can, but not everyone can see this my way. If i take a persons life you should be grateful that they don't have to suffer anymore. Life sucks. But do i get any thanks?! NOOooo, all i get are 'why me' and 'it should have been me' or 'take me instead' me me me me me!!! I knew what i had to do. I picked one lucky fellow and put a curse on his soul. So that anyone he loves can experience death first hand. This lucky person won't see it my way at all but trust me this curse is more of a blessing if anything. I know what i am doing. Let me tell you his journey and how it all started and then he can continue telling his story. Remember, this is for his loved ones own good. Trust me.. or don't i can always kill you too.

November 21 1997

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Smith! It's a boy!" The nurse beamed as she brought yet another human being into this world. After cleaning the young boy and placing him into his mother's arms she smiled and asked the beautiful couple, "So what are you going to name him?" His father, with unshed tears filling his eyes croaked "Jake, We are going to name him after his grandfather." The room was filled with unspeakable joy as his friends and family members began to enter. So much love, so many people, so many happy tears.

December 4 1997

"Where have you been babe?! Jake hasn't stopped crying since you left and i can't get him to shut up!" Her breath smelt of cigarettes and bourbon, her clothes all ruffled and messy. "Don't worry about it.. Im home now aren't I? So quite your damn whining and go to bed or something." She was drunk. Definitely drunk and Jake's Father could tell. "Did you not just hear me? Our baby is screaming his lungs out at 3 in the fucking morning, I cant sleep!!" Jake cries louder at the sudden tone in his parents arguing. They haven't stopped since getting home from the hospital that november night. "That is it!! I have had it with this!! You know i loved you once James but I don't feel that anymore!! You want to know where i was? I was out having sex with Andy! Alright, there i said it!" For once in his marriage to Alice he was speechless. "The guy from your job?" "Yes the guy from my Job! He loves me in a way that you never can." James took a deep breath and sat down with his hands covering his face in grief. "So w-what now?" "God you're so weak.. this all started when that stupid baby came into our-" "DON'T you talk about my son like that Alice!!" "That is right he is your son! The boy doesn't even want me unless it is for my breast milk which he can find without me. I can't do this anymore." She grabs her bag and heads for the door. "Where are you going now?!' James calls out to his wife still angry yet in love so much it hurts to not be loved back. "Im going to live with andy. Someone will be by to pick up my things tomorrow. Goodbye James.." and with a loud slam of the door Jake stopped crying and a deafening silence began to lace the room.

"Goodbye Alice." He whispered to no one.

Okay that had nothing to do with me. but you can see where all this is going? The boy ends up living with his dad who gained full custody and he lived a pretty solid life. Until this happened. The boy was only 5 years old.

February 9 2006

"Daddy, where's mommy?" little Jake asked his father at night while being read a bed time story he interrupted to ask about his mother that he has never met. "She is alive." James answered solidly with a pained memory of the crazed woman that left him. "What is she like? Will she ever come to visit? Why do we not talk to her anymore? Does she love us?" Mr. Smith looked at his son in amusement. "Why all of this sudden curiosity into your mother?" He chuckled. Jake began to twiddle his fingers and mumble sadly, "I heard all the other kids talking about their moms cooking and i began to wonder why my life was so different." A tear fell down James cheek. "Aww buddy come here," He pulled jake onto his lap and began to rub his back reassuringly. "To answer your questions, no, your mother does not love us. It is nothing you have done, not even anything i have done. She needs help but we cant do that if she doesn't want us to. Mkay? And we don't need her, you have Me, your Uncle Stan, and you grandpa. Think of us as your moms and dads. She will not be back, ever, not if i have anything to do with it." Jake now had tears in his eyes. he hugged his father tightly nodding his head to his fathers words. "I love you Dad." James Smith smiled and kissed his sons head whispering back, "I love you too Jake."

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