Chapter 10: Goodbye

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That night- 7pm- by the big tree

Jake waited for Ash to meet him by the tree that they had agreed upon. After crying and thinking about what had happened that day he knew what he had to do.

Fuck grim. From what he knew of love it was clear that the closest he will ever come to finding it is Ash.

His train of thought came to a pit stop once he saw Ash running across the yard toward him. It was currently raining but that would not stop him from seeing his pretty girl. 

"Babe! Haha" Ash called as she finally found shelter under the big tree with Jake. She wrapped her arms around the boys neck, giving  him a kiss. "There is something that I have been dying to tell you!" She continued.

HAha isn't that for sure

"Yeah Ash, there is something I have been meaning to tell you too.." Ash put her index finger up to Jake's lips in order to stop him before he could say anymore. "Ah ah ah.. me first. This is important. For a while now I have had this feeling. I knew I wanted to find someone to give my v-card to and all. I knew that the person I gave it to had to be special, you know? Different then the others. I don't know where this feeling came from but when we shared last night together I knew you were the one. It did not feel forced, and it was in the moment which I loved! That is just it Jake... I love y-" Ash fell limp into Jake's arms at that last sentence. Breathless she lay there. "Ash? NO! I knew this would happen." 

Jake kneeled to the floor and brought Ash down with him to the damp grass. He pulled out the hand gun that he stole from Paul's desk and cocked it. "I'll see you soon dad.."

NOO!! What the fuck are you doing?

Jake could heaar grim but did not see anyone. "Grim is that you?"

Nah it's the easter bunny.. YEAH IT'S ME, GRIM! Now what are you doing? This ending sucks man!

"Well it is all thanks to you, what else am i supposed to do? The only people I ever loved are all dead! What good could have come out of this curse?"

Ungreatful, Just ungreatful the all of yous! If the human race can't see the beauty in death then who will?

"The people who died. Surely not me."

Well you can find new people to love

"Just so you can kill them too? i don't think so"

Wait! Don't shhoot!..


And in that silence Ash arose back to consiousness. "-ou. Wait what the hell just happened? Why are we on the floor," She looked up to Jake. "Jake No!" She slapped the gun out of the shocked boys hand. "Why did you have a gun to your head!?!" He wrapped her in both arms and kissed her passionately. 

"Don't worry about it baby.. I love you too."

He waited while holding Ash and paused for anything to happen. "Is something wrong?" Ash asked after a long pause. Once Jake realised that they were both still living and breathing he let out a satisfied sigh. "No, everything is perfect now, because I have you."

And they loved happily ever after (A/N: lol i never know how to end stories but yeah) THE END

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