Chapter 5: Jimmy Johns

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Jake can feel his palms sweating up. He checked his old wrist watch that Paul had let him borrow. The jittery young boy was dressed in a dark, plaid, patchy t-shirt, and the nicest pair of jeans that he owned. Jake was sitting alone at a booth big enouch for four people waiting on his company to arrive. Wherever they were, they were ten minutes late. Jake checked his watch again even though only a couple seconds had passed since the last time he looked. He stood up and sagged his head down. 'I knew it.. they stood me up.' he thought. It was probably for the best anyway. I mean what did he think was going to happen? If they actually ended up liking him he could have put them in grave danger, and if they didnt like him then he would have been heartbroken. He never talked to kids his age in a long while and he was surprisingly excited to see what would happen and what the hot topic would be. Well he might as well forget it now.

Jake took his first step to hop off of the booth and heard the door ring signaling that another customer had entered the eating facility. He looked up to see a pink cheecked freckled beauty that was had a familiar look on her face. Her hair was curled and her eyes beemed with excitement like always as she waved to Jake while walking to meet him at his booth.

"Hey Jake! Sorry im late, I had to sneak out because i couldnt find a good enough excuse for my dad to let me out of the house." Jake stood there with an expresionless look plasteres on his face. "Haha.. Sit! ill go and order us some sandwhich's." Ash jumped to go over and order their food. When Jake sat back down he immedietely regreted his decision on coming here. She was such a nice girl and he hated to see her get hurt if he ever did develop a friendship with her.

Jake's thoughts were interrupted when he saw the lon haired female hop into the cushioned seat across from him. "So.." She started to speak but couldn't think of what to say. Jake saw the struggle in the way her lips quivered as she thought of how to form a sentence to get eachother talking. He decided to help her out by starting things off, "So.. Where are the rest of your.. um.." "Oh they couldn't make it." It was a very diverted answer. jake could tell that Ash was hiding something, he could see it in her eyes. Jake gave her a smile and Ash gave one back. She was surprised to see him show emotion.

They continued on like that for a while. Ash would talk about her school in great detail and Jake would listen. Every now and then he would ask questions while they ate their sandwhich's. After 10 minutes of laughter and getting to know each other better Jake showed signs of himsef finally opening up to Ash. Everything was going well until there was antoher ring at the door signaling that someone else had entered the store. Ash's back was turned towards the door so she couldn't see the two goons that had just entered. No, they didnt make themselves known until Brian and Andy spotted the couple and sauntered over to their. Brian smacked his hand onto the back of Ash's chair which caused her to jump. "Well look what we have here! I thought i might find you here with lil' death bo-" "What the hell are you doing here?" Ash asked the male figure leaning over her. "I came to eat! What else would i be doing?" Andy directed his attention to Jake who was starring both Jocks down with his fuming blue eyes. "i think you boys should leave.." Jake speaks up. Andy stumbles back at his words. "Whoa! It speaks! Haha, say something else death boy!" Jake stood up from the booth and stepped up closer to Brian. Brian saw Jake and took his attention away from the clearly uncomfortable Ash. "Is this guys bithering you Ash?" Jake asked, without letting his eyes off the tall brute. "Im her boyfriend dummy, youre the one who dosnt belong here." "No youre not! We broke up, was that not clear? I never want to see you again Brian, Jake is actually an amazing guy. So if anyone should leave its you!" Ash stands up from the booth now and stands in between both boys while still facing Brian. The shock on his face is not easily hidden.

"B-But I thought.." Brian looks past his ex-girlfriend and reaches out grabbing the collar of Jake's shirt, he pushes Ash out of the way and brings Jake up off of the floor so they are now eye to eye. "This is all your fault death boy." Jake all the while did not flinch or move a single muscle. Brian finds this weird yet still does not cease to bring his fist up and connect it with Jake's jaw. Jake falls to the ground only to be kicked in the ribs by Brian's black cut boots. "No! Brian Stop It!!" Ash screams. She tries to run toward Jake's side but gets held back by Andy. "You know he had nothing to do with this!" Ash had tears falling down her cheek as she watched Jake get beaten for what felt like eternity. The workers were too afraid of Brian to interfere. Instead a lady behind the counter had called 911 and sirens began to ring outside of the samdwhich store. Brian and Andy paused in their tracks, "let's go." The two goons had vanished the back way and Ash ran towards Jake's side. She was a teary mess, "Jake.. I'm so sorry.. Im so-" Jake brought his hand up to Ash's face and wiped her tears away. He starred deeply into her "Shh.. It's okay." He was very badly bruised and bloody all over. The sounds of sirens brought back terrible, awful, memories.
WEEE OOO WEEE OOO WEEE OOO "no.." Jake woke up to the sound of sirens. "no no no no no NOOO!!!"
"Help me up.. please.." Jake felt incredibly weak yet tried to get off from the cold tile floor before the police came in. "But Jake, we should wait for the ambulance.." "NO!! Ash please.. just get me.. get me up!!" Ash jumped at his sudden outburst and wrapped her arms around Jake and helped him to his feet. He leaned on her for support. They limped their way to the back and escaped from the piercing sound of sirens in Ash's car.

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