Chapter One

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"This is the final boarding call for flight 834 with service to Phoenix, Arizona All passengers should make their way to gate A5 immediately." I announce. I'm waiting for the last few passengers to board, annoyed that they are taking their sweet time to get to the gate. I was hoping to get this flight out early so that I can go home early.

My name is Emily Dalton, I'm 5'5" with light blonde hair and green eyes. I'm not skinny but not overweight either, I have a small stomach with "love handles." I work for a charter airline in Chicago. When we're not taking passengers to gamble, we're taking sports teams to their opponent's city, or other groups to whatever city that we go to within the U.S. they want to go.

I married my husband, Eric, eight years ago. He is about 6'0" with short brown hair and sea blue eyes, he's muscular and he maintains it by going to the gym every day. He's always wanted children, but I've been on the fence. I'm not sure if I am ready or if I'll ever be ready. This has put some pressure on me to decide. I love him but get upset that he's pressuring me to make this huge decision.

Finally, the last two passengers show up and board. I close the jetway door behind me, I walk onto the aircraft and hand my paperwork to the captain. The flight attendant closes the aircraft door and I pull the jetway from the aircraft, I head to our operations room, to wait until the plane takes off before I take off. I open the door and there stands a gorgeous man with my boss, Tom. "Ah, here she is now Storm, this is Emily, one of our supervisors." Says Tom. I shake Storms hand and immediately, I feel a spark. I have to be professional, I smile, and quickly withdraw my hand. Tom explains that Storm just moved from Seattle, where he worked for another airline there, pretty much doing what we do. "Emily, you are in charge of training him; I expect him to quickly pick up what we do here." I've trained a million times so this shouldn't be any different. I check my watch and notice that it is time to clock out.

I clock out and head home, Eric should be there when I arrive, his truck is always parked out front, but not this time. I wonder where he is, it's almost 5. I unlock the door, put my keys on the hook, put my bag on the table, and head to the bedroom. I change into short shorts and a spaghetti strap; I look in the mirror and observe my flaws. My face is nowhere near perfect, I still have acne, even though I'm about to turn 30. I turn to the side, and look at my stomach, wishing it was smaller. I pull myself away from the mirror and head into the kitchen. I glance at the stove clock 5:45, Eric is still not home, I call him, and it goes straight to voicemail. That's strange. I shoot him a text asking where he is. I take the chicken from the fridge, add spices to it and place it in the oven, I then start on the rice. Once dinner is done, I make a plate for him and place it in the fridge, I grab mine and head over to watch TV. I find a movie and zone out on it while eating. The movie ends and Eric is still not home. It's 8:03, I try to call him one more time and this time he answers, he says that he was stuck in a meeting at work, then of course went to the gym. I give the man the benefit of doubt. He tells me that he'll be home in 30 minutes.

I hop in the shower, savoring the hot water, I stand there letting the water run down my body. First, I shave my underarms, then legs, and lastly my sensitive area because Eric likes it shaved. I lather up the washcloth and start washing my body. I hear Eric yell to me that he's home, and I tell him that dinner is in the fridge, I finish washing my hair and I think I could use some "relief." I get out of the shower and towel myself off. I dig through my drawers to find sexy lingerie. I quickly get dressed and slowly walk to the living room. I stop by the entrance as I see Eric texting someone, no need to think about work when I'm here, we can destress together. "If I were you, I'd put that phone away" I tell him, he looks over at me, stares for a moment, then back to his phone. "What the hell was that?!" I ask myself. I strut over and sit on his lap. I grind his manhood and what usually gets him standing isn't working. I'm starting to get frustrated. He places his hands on my sides to stop me, I look at him in wonder, he apologizes but says he's had a rough day at the office and not in the mood, He kisses me before standing up to go wash his plate. I stand there dumbfounded; he's never declined sex. I change into some comfy pajamas and get into bed. My mood has changed, and I can't quit thinking about how Eric dismissed me. He walks into the room and says nothing, he turns on the TV and quickly falls asleep, I turn and stare at him for so long I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep. I dream that I'm trying to run but I can't seem to run fast enough, whoever is chasing me is catching up, I try to find a place to hide, but they keep finding me. They eventually catch me, and I try to struggle from their hands with no luck, I'm crying and try to scream but nothing comes out.

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