Chapter Nine

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We're in baggage claim waiting for our bags to be dropped, we're standing around making small talk, my phone rings it's Logan. "I have the proof you need, meet me at the park in an hour." he tells me then hangs up. I want Storm to come with me but I don't think it's a good idea. I ask Hailey to come with me and she agrees "i'm going to neuter him." she seems too excited for this. Before we exit the airport, Storm pushes me into a secluded area before smashing his lips into mine, I moan into his mouth, our desperate need for each other makes us look like savages but we don't care. This is the last moment we will have with each other for who knows how long. We finally break apart, Storms hazel eyes starring at me making my face turn red hot, "if you need anything you'll know where i'll be." he tells me, I shake my head. We walk out of the airport heading in seperate directions, I look back and smile, he's already starring at me, he waves before continuing in his direction.

An hour later Hailey and I are sitting at a bench talking about the beach and what our next trip should be. I notice this beautiful 1967ish blue Mustang Fastback parking next to Hailey's car, "oh, this has to be him." I say, as he gets out of the car I observe his features. He's got short brown hair slick back, he's wearing sunglasses, he's in what looks like a silk button down shirt, he's wearing dark blue jeans, and brown dress shoes, on his left wrist looks like a Rolex. This man definitely has money and taste. He walks over he shakes my hand then Hailey's "I'm Logan Paulson," he says he walks over to me and sits down, he pulls out a large brown folder and hands it to me. "Your husband is a very shitty person and you are doing the right thing by divorcing him, I've seen this many times yet I still don't understand my kind." he says, and laughs slightly. I open the folder and pull out a stack of about 20 photos. The first one he's at a hotel room door and in front of him is a brunette but can't see her face, the next one is of the same brunette and Eric making out in the hotel's hot tub, this chick looks familir from what I can see of her. The next photo made me angry, MY BESTFRIEND and my husband eating dinner at some fancy restaurant, picture after picture him and Ashley, there were pictures of them having sex, kissing and hugging, holding hands. My best friend of 20+ years sleeping with my husband. I began to cry, sobbing into my hands, I'll be divorcing my so called best friend too. Hailey held me and rubbed my back for what seemed like forever. "I have an idea." she said

That night I slept at Hailey's. Eric never called or texted to check on me, to see if I was coming home, nothing. The next day I met with my lawyer, we discussed breifly the reasoning for the divorce, I showed her my evidence of adultry, we discussed what I wanted from the divorce, and how long this could take, any questions I had, she had the answers. "The paperwork part is done, give me the rest of the week then he will be served the papers" she said. I left there feeling like a feather, that weight that was keeping me down won't be there much longer. I decided to call Eric, I dialed his number and pressed send, ring after ring after ring, voicemail. Well alright then. I guess i'll go home. After leaving the lawyer's office I tried to call him again and nothing, went to voicemail. I parked in our driveway and made my way inside the house, Eric is not home. Of course, he's playing the disappearing act. I grabbed some clothes and other items that I wanted, I'll be staying with Hailey for a while. I wanted to confront Eric and Ashley, either seperately or together. I called Ashley, surprisingly she answered, she sounded like she was working out. "Hey, can I come over?" I ask. "Now's not a good time but later we can definitely hang out." she said, "Okay, have you seen or heard from Eric?" I ask, she got hesitant "Uh, no, no I haven't, what's up?" She asks. "I went away for the weekend and come back yesterday but I haven't heard anything from him, he might be busy or something, I'm just being dramatic." I tell her. "Yeah probably." She says weirdly. We say our goodbyes and hang up. I know where he is and that's where I'm going to go. I pack my car full before heading to Ashley's. I park a block away so that they don't see my car. I put on a black hoodie and put the hood up, I walk down the sidewalk to her house, I peek in the garage window and there sits Eric's truck, hiding. I make sure to take pictures. I run and dunk under her bedroom window, the curtains are closed but just open enough that I can peek in. They're in her bed, she's riding him, not something that I ever wanted to see but hey, I knew what I was going to catch. I take a few more pictures before going to knock on her door. I hear a lot of banging and slamming before the door is opened. "Emily, what are you doing here? I told you it wasn't a good time." She tells me in a harsh tone. "Oh you mean it wasn't a good time for me because you're sleeping with Eric?" I ask. Her eyes got wide, her face got red, and she started stuttering. "Wha, what? I, I, I'm not sleeping with Eric. Why would you accuse me of that?" She asks. "Oh, because I have proof." I tell her. "What proof?" she asks, I pull out my phone and show her the pictures." She goes speechless. Where is my cheating husband?" I ask, "He left." She said in a quiet tone. "Well, call him and tell him to come back, I want to talk to you both." She has this frightened look on her face as she grabs her phone and dials his number. While she's on the phone I group text Hailey and Storm. ---At Ashey's, caught them in the act, Eric ran, I'm waiting on him to come back so that I can confront them. Please come and keep an eye out for me in case they try something, I'm out numbered---

About 10 minutes later Eric shows up. "What's this about?" he asks with a smug look on his face. "The fact that you've been cheating on me with my best friend for who knows how long now." I tell him. His face gets red "How can you accuse us of that?" he yells. I show him the photos and before he can say anything else I tell him I'm divorcing him. He walks towards me and I back away but a wall stops me, he gets close to my face, "Oh? You're divorcing me?" he laughs, he puts hands on either side of my face before grabbing my throat, he's squeezing harder, I try to break away but he tightens his grip. I can't breath, I try to kick him in the testicles but he blocks it. I start to see stars, I look at Ashley but all she's doing is standing there. My vision goes black then my body goes limp, Eric tosses me on the floor then starts to kick me. I hear the door get kicked in before I pass out.

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