Very Bad Days

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Characters.

Chapter 4

Ginny Weasley was having a bad morning; a very bad morning. Her life had turned upside down several days earlier when HER Harry Potter kissed Hermione Granger in front of the Great Hall. How could Hermione do that to her? She was her friend. Hermione knew that Harry belong to Ginny, it was only a matter of time before he realized it. Eventually, Ginny had calmed down realizing her Harry would see that he could do much better than the Bookworm know-it-all with her overly large front teeth. The calm had lasted until the previous night when Hermione had shown up with PERFECT teeth and some lame excuse about Malfoy hexing her. Ginny knew better. She knew that Hermione was just going all out to keep HER Harry away from her.

Ginny had seethed all night and finally, she realized she had to take action. That morning she had confronted the Know-It-All and made it clear who Harry belonged to. She'd then made the mistake of pulling out her wand to cast her famous bat bogey hex on the bookworm. She'd failed to take into account that Hermione was much smarter than she was. While she'd been ranting, Hermione had palmed her wand, expecting what was to occur. As soon as Ginny had reached for her wand, Hermione's was already in motion. Ginny had ended up with a stinging hex on her hand and a giant pimple right between her eyes.

The morning had gotten even worse at breakfast when she had to listen to her bloody brother whine about the newspaper article. 'Tonight,' she thought. 'Tonight, I'll show that know-it-all who Harry Bloody Potter belongs to.'


Lord Voldemort was having a bad morning; a very bad morning. It had started out very well, except the need to drink snake venom potion. While Peter Pettigrew read the newspaper article about the Triwizard Tournament to him, The Dark Lord envisioned himself with his new body using the blood of Harry Potter and then torturing and killing the idiot boy for the pain and suffering he caused so many years ago. He had almost missed the last lines of the article as he was lost in his favorite daydream of seeing the Boy-Who-Lived DIE. But the words did enter his subconscious and slowly worked their way into his conscious mind. "TOM WEASLEY?" He screamed in his high-pitched, babyish voice. "Wormtail, who is this Tom Weasley?" He asked the rat faced Pettigrew.

"I know not, my Lord," Peter replied. "I spent years with the family of Arthur Weasley and I do not recognize the name."


After a minute of enjoying Wormtail scream in agony while convulsing around on the floor, he released the curse and then said to his servant, "Send a message to Crouch. I expect Harry Potter in my graveyard as planned. No excuses will be tolerated. And tell him to find out everything he can about this Tom Weasley."

"Yes Master," said the quivering voice of Wormtail who scampered out of the room.


Errol, the Weasley's owl, was having a bad morning; a very bad morning. He knew it was going to be a long day when he heard Molly Weasley screaming about her youngest son after reading the morning paper. Errol knew what was in store, another long flight to Scotland. 'Don't they realize just how far away the bloody school is?' He asked himself. 'It's at the other end of the bloody island*! They might be able to just pop over there in an instant, but I have to fly the whole bloody way. Then they complain when I get there a little late. Haven't they ever heard of head winds? This used to be a nice place, just an occasional trip to the school to say hi to the children but, ever since those bloody twins and the youngest son got there, I've been up and down the country every bloody week. Summers used to be nice, but then that bloody Pigwidgeon turns up. I get tired just watching that feathered puff ball.' Errol heard the familiar voice of Molly Weasley screeching at a red parchment, then getting it tied to his leg and sent off with instructions to deliver it to Ron Weasley.

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