Ron has a Clue

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Disclaimer: Still do not own these Characters, though the birth of the Crumpled Horn Snorkack idea at the end is mine...

Chapter 10

In the Great Hall the next morning, Harry and Hermione were enjoying a nice breakfast. They had learned to tune out the sight and sound of Ron eating. If it wasn't for the nausea it created, watching him try to hold onto his egg with one hand and shovel food with the other might have been amusing. As usual, the owls started their morning deliveries before the meal was over. Hermione quickly unrolled the Daily Prophet and saw a picture of Fleur Delacour that had been taken at the Weighing of the Wands headlining the front page article.

Veela Terrorizes Hogwarts


Rita Skeeter

This reporter witnessed the most shocking and brazen event on the night of the Yule Ball at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Following a romantic evening of dancing by the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter, and his love interest Miss Hermione Granger (see accompanying articles on the spectacular dancing skill portrayed by the couple and an updated analysis on Mr. Potter's kissing skills,) the two lovebirds were enjoying a quiet time in the gardens when the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Triwizard Champion and part Veela, Fleur Delacour, attempted to ensnare our young hero by use of her Veela powers. Only the true love Mr. Potter feels for his girlfriend, and Miss Granger's formidable defense of her wizard, prevented the theft and corruption of our national hero's affections and innocence.

I call upon the Headmaster of Hogwarts and the Beauxbatons Headmistress to launch a joint investigation into this event. I also call upon my readers to show your displeasure with the Beauxbatons champion herself. And I finally call upon my readers to let Miss Granger know of your appreciation for the love she has for our young hero and her willingness to defend him at all costs.

When Hermione had finished reading the article, she was lost in thought as she remembered that evening in the garden. 'I'll always be there for Harry,' she thought. Finally breaking out of her thoughts, she noticed there were several Beauxbatons students standing near her.

"Excuse me, Mademoiselle Granger?" Asked one of the students in the light blue cloaks.

"Yes?" Hermione answered warily as she and Harry put their hands on their wands.

"We," the student indicated the ensemble of Beauxbatons standing next to her, "wish to apologize on behalf of our school. Zough we wish eet understood zat zis is only on behalf of ze school and not Mademoiselle Delacour 'erself. We find what she did disgusting and inexcusable."

"Thank you," Hermione said, relaxing. "I hold no grudge against your Academy. My family and I have traveled many times to your wonderful country and plan to continue doing so."

"Zank you. My name eez Michelle," the leader of the group said. "We also would like to ask a favor, s'il vous plait?

"Which would be?" Hermione asked.

"Could you teach us ze spell you used on Mademoiselle Delacour? She 'as stolen several of our boyfriends and we would like to be able to defend our love eenterest as well as you did."

"Eet ees very funny," another of the Beauxbatons students chimed in. "For ze first time, zat truie is 'aving to wear make-up. She won't leave ze carriage."

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