A Christmas Carol

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Disclaimer: Of course it's not mine. Guess I can take credit for the abuse I heap upon the characters, but not the characters themselves.

A/N: If your name is Hugo (or Albus Severus), I apologize in advance.

Chapter 7

Madam Pomfrey was tired. It had been a long week since they first task had completed and she had yet to get a good night's sleep. First, it was the Weasley kid and that bloody egg. She snickered at her own joke as she remembered the skin and blood that covered the egg where it came to rest. It took Molly Weasley fourteen cleaning spells to finally get it completely clean. 'Merlin! I must be tired, if I thought that was funny,' she thought. After the egg had been dislodged, she had taken her anti-nausea potion and set to work healing Mr. Weasley's buttocks. Though she had been able to repair most of the damage, it would still be a few days before he felt comfortable sitting down again.

Then there was Severus. She looked over at his bed were the blankets were billowing every time he took a breath. Fortunately, the oil in his hair had been too contaminated to ignite and had actually provided insulation for his hair and head. It had taken Madam Pomfrey two days to identify all forty-seven potions that had ignited in the Professor's office and had come in contact with him. Her fatigue had been proven when she had tried to reduce the swelling of his nose for the eighth time, until Albus finally reminded her that it always had been that large.

And the final one of the severely injured patients she had in her care was Draco Malfoy. Madam Pomfrey had had the unpleasant task of informing his parents that at most, he would regrow only about thirty percent of his hair. There had been just too much damage over such a short period of time. She had also pointed out that he might get his left eyebrow back, but the right one was gone forever. She had spent hours on his ear, and finally got it back somewhat in shape. It didn't quite match the other one, but it didn't look melted anymore, either. While Narcissa had cried over her son's unconscious body, Lucius had strolled out of the hospital wing, muttering something about having to talk to the Bulstrodes before this news got out.


The Weasley twins had been busy since the first task had been complete. They had been inspired by their brother's performance and in memory of it, they had created Canary and Horntail figures similar to the ones they had seen at the Quidditch World Cup. The dragon action figure would chase the canary until the little canary's tail caught fire, at which point the little bird would lay a golden egg. Their supply couldn't keep up with the demand. All over the school little Horntail dragons chased miniature canaries until the appearance of the golden egg.

Fred and George also had a brisk business going on their canary creams and a new product they created call Horntail honeys, which turned a person into a Horntail dragon complete with simulated fire breath. Students were constantly changing into one or another at every meal.

They had also created a blonde Veela figurine, complete with flame dispensing capabilities, but they were quickly withdrawn from availability when the twins were visited by the Beauxbatons champion. Rumor had it they had to make a visit to Madam Pomfrey to cure some burns in some sensitive areas shortly afterwards.


The morning he was released from the hospital wing, Ron was gingerly walking back to the Gryffindor Common room, proudly displaying his egg so everyone could see it. Most people he encountered remembered the last place they had seen the egg and quickly dashed off to the loo to vacate the breakfast they had just consumed. Ron was overwhelmed at the support he was receiving as they celebrated his victory by turning themselves into canaries and Horntails. The little Horntail dragon figurines that kept blowing flames at him where annoying, but heck, it showed the students loved him!

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