Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I still do not own Harry Potter or any recognizable character in this story. I am secretly hoping that, someday, the characters will perform an uprising and name me as their God and Keeper so I can order the epilogue (and maybe books 6 and 7) destroyed.

(A/N Don't read on a full stomach. Some scenes if imagined might cause vacating of said stomach contents.)

Chapter 13

Narcissa Black had quickly become a wizarding world celebrity. Every few days, a different story appeared in the Daily Prophet and other newspapers and magazines around the world detailing her latest fashions, who she was dating and what time of night/morning that person was seen leaving her hotel room. She was traveling the world before deciding where to settle down and had already spent time in France, Italy, the Far East and Australia. There was even speculation on whether she would be featured in one of the upcoming Playwizard editions.

Narcissa had discovered quickly that being single, beautiful and rich made for a much more fun lifestyle than being on the arm of a pompous, arrogant, pureblood bigot. As for blood status, Narcissa was discovering that non-magical men seemed to be a lot more adept at the art of pleasuring her than their wizarding counterparts, especially when she slipped them pepper-up potions in their drinks. It seemed to have startling side effects for the 'wands' of non-magical men. Later, one of those men ran a blood analysis on himself and 'accidentally' made a discovery that would later turn into a brand new medication chemically known as Sildenafil Citrate.

Draco Malfoy was now only able to look at the paper when someone left a copy lying around. His subscription to the Prophet had run out and he found out that since his father's name had still been on his trust vault, it had been seized by the goblins, leaving him knutless and unable to even afford a newspaper.

Three weeks after his parents' divorce and his father's sentence, Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table all alone again. He kept looking left or right in the vain hope that someone would put down a paper and leave it so he could follow the current stories of his mother. He was disgusted with her as she was constantly in the company of muggles and mudbloods and always with that damn smile on her face. He almost jumped out of his shoes when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Professor McGonagall standing there.

"Mister Malfoy, I need you follow me to the Headmaster's office," the Deputy Headmistress said.

Upon arrival in the Headmaster's office, Draco and McGonagall waited for the Headmaster to look up.

Professor Dumbledore, though, was currently deep in thought. Severus had just given his weekly report concerning the Dark Mark on his arm and how it was growing darker. Dumbledore didn't really need the update that often, but the thought of Snape and tattoos always brightened the ancient Headmaster's day. Especially since the tattoo in question had serious symbolism in regards to the Headmaster's sexual orientation. He often wondered where else the Potion Master might have tattoos. 'I wonder if he's considered getting a cute little phoenix right…'


Dumbledore looked up from his musing at the thought-interrupting throat clearing. 'It's that annoying cat lady again. She always interrupts me when I least desire her to. Maybe if I get a dog she'll leave me alone... hmm... Sirius?'

At that moment, at Malfoy Manor, a cold chill ran down Sirius' back and an urgent desire to take a shower enveloped him. For some reason, Sirius suddenly felt unclean.

"HMMMMMM HMMMMMM," McGonagall hmmed again.

"Yes Minerva? Ah! I see you have the young Mister Malfoy," Dumbledore turned his attention to the young man who had so little hair and no eyebrows. "Young man," Dumbledore turned up the twinkle in his eyes several degrees. "You're here today to identify where you will call home and who will care for you. There are several options open."

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