Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: Still don't own them.

A/N: WARNING WARNING - Have a strong bottle of antacid on hand before reading the first section.

As this story is winding down I would like to thank everyone who has been reading this tale along the way.

I am pretty sure I kept this in the T range. If anyone feels I may have strayed, let me know. Thanks

It took Draco Malfoy many hours to fall asleep that first night in Azkaban. The feeling of his aunt's naked body against his wasn't horrible, but the fact that she hadn't brushed her teeth in over thirteen years made the situation extremely unbearable. Finally, when he did fall asleep, he found himself having one of his best erotic dreams ever. His betrothed, Pansy Parkinson, was naked with her body wrapped around his body. The feel of her beside him was intoxicating. He'd dreamed of that possibility a long time, but Pansy never allowed him to touch her body. As he caressed and fondled her naked form, he remembered the nightmare he had previous to this dream of a whole school year at Hogwarts being ignited, trampled, ignored and sent packing to Azkaban. He let out a long sigh as his eyes fluttered open. It took a few seconds before things came in to focus. 'Why are there bars…' His eyes flew open as he realized the nightmare had been real. He then looked down and realized he had one of his aunt's breasts in his hand and he realized that, in her sleep, she had put her hand down his pants and had a firm grasp upon him.


Bellatrix Lestrange was lost in a wonderful dream. It had been a very long time since she had slept with her husband. Being locked in Azkaban with the dementors stealing all happy memories also prevented her from dealing with the needs that developed. Physical needs, coupled with a lack of mental ability to deal with those needs, had left the witch quite frustrated and insane. But this dream was so real. She was draped over her husband and she knew that, finally, her needs were going to be satisfied. Shortly after she had reached for her husband's privates and wondered why they had shrunk so much, she was awakened by an ear splitting scream.

As Bellatrix opened her eyes, she found her nephew trying desperately to get out of bed as he continued to scream. Unfortunately for Draco, Bellatrix still had her hand firmly wrapped around his smallest appendage. Then again, with so little to hold onto, it didn't take much squirming to get out of her grasp.

The memory of that morning and several similar ones were added to the worst memories of Draco's life. As the dementors glided past their cell several times each day, he had to relive those memories. It seemed like all of the memories he was forced to relive over and over happened in the last school year.

After two months in his aunt's cell, Draco remembered that Molly Weasley had said if he changed his mind, he would still be welcome there. After a desperate plea to the warden, Draco was allowed to leave Azkaban and move to the Burrow. For the next few years, he led a haunted life. The ghosts that lived in his grey eyes from his short stay in Azkaban terrified many people away. Even the thought of any naked female made him run away screaming. His arrogance was reduced to ordering gnomes around in the garden and even they ignored him.

Tragically, it all came to an end only three years later. Shortly after Bill Weasley moved back to England and married a nice young muggleborn witch, they invited Draco to come live with them. After years of living with Molly Weasley, he readily agreed. Unfortunately, as soon as he stepped into their house with his few belongings, a black glow erupted from his body and he slumped over dead. The long forgotten oath he took so many years earlier in Dumbledore's office about never willingly living with a non-pureblood family took his life. His obituary was only two lines long.

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