The First Task

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Both the Characters and book are owned by JK Rowling and a mess of other companies. I have used direct verbiage from the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in creating this chapter.

Chapter 6

It was not only the day, but the moment of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament being hosted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had arrived. Students poured out of the castle and made their way down to the stands that surrounded the dragon arena. Harry and Hermione were invited to join Fred, George and the rest of the Weasley clan in one of the Champions' box seat sections that were near the judges' box.

"You sit here, Harry dear," Molly instructed. "Ginny you can sit beside him..."

"Uh, Mrs. Weasley, I'd prefer Hermione sitting next to me," Harry said.

Mrs. Weasley didn't seem to hear Harry as she continued to guide Ginny to the spot next to Harry and then she suggested Hermione could sit on the other side of Ginny.

Finally, after several similar attempts, Hermione rose from her seat and sat down on Harry's lap. "There, now Ginny can have any seat she wants," she said to a frowning Molly Weasley. As Hermione returned Ginny's glare, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her wand. She raised her eyebrows at youngest Weasley so Ginny would understand that she would use the wand if necessary.

"Here," Harry said as he pulled out his and Hermione's omnioculars they had purchased at the World Cup. "These will help."

They were soon settled, ready for the events to begin. All hoping that Ron would make it through the event unharmed.


Ron strolled confidently into the Champion's tent. As he looked around, he could see the rest of the Champions were already there. 'Excellent, I got to make my entrance.' He thought. 'Now I wonder what the challenge is going to be? Maybe another giant chess set.' Ron cleared his throat loudly, but then pretended to be interested in something written on a notice posted in the tent.

When no one said anything, he cleared his throat again. He kept his head looking at the wording but his eyes darted back and forth waiting for someone to say something.

"Thunk", step, "THUNK", step. "About time you showed up, Weasley," Moody said as he put a firm hand on Ron's shoulder.

"One sec," Ron replied as she tried to act nonchalant. "I want to finish reading this," he motioned to the sign he hadn't really read a word of.

Without taking his good eye off of Ron, the fake Moody swiveled his magical eye toward the sign. There were three words written in large letters. "CHAMPIONS MEET HERE!" Moody sighed and pulled the young man after him. "Come with me, Weasley, I need to talk to you."

'Maybe he wants an early autograph, or to join my fan club,' Ron thought. "Sure Professor."

Professor Moody led him outside. After making sure no one was listening, he turned to the redhead. "Got your plan, Weasley?"


"For your Dragon?"

"That's just a rumor professor, I'm sure they wouldn't give us dragons," Ron said confidently.

The pain that came crashing down behind Crouch's eyes was excruciating and his hand came up to his face. After two long breaths he managed to keep himself from killing the boy. "Mister Weasley, do you see this eye?" His magical eye whirled around in its socket.

'Yeah and it's creepy,' Ron thought.

"I can guarantee there are dragons, Mister Weasley," his eye spun to spot behind him toward the arena. "I can see them."

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