Pissed-off-Party-Planner Tobio Kageyama [11]

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I enjoyed messing with your emotions last chapter but let me help you back up 😀

Kageyama's POV

I don't care about it. Of course not. If you think I do, you are very much mistaken. Never in a thousand years would I care about that annoying, obnoxious, loud, reckless, cute little idiot. And I'm serious this time. Kinda. No wait, fully. I'm fully sure.
At least that's what I told myself.

Ever since that know-it-all bastard Akamine transferred, I've been nothing but pissed. But under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is it because he's probably Hinata's best friend. It doesn't bother me at all. It shouldn't.

So why did I feel so hurt when I saw them together?

Why did I feel so furious when Hinata smiled so much brighter with Akamine, then he ever did, or ever will, with me?


Lost in thought, I suddenly heard a loud sound against the desk in front of me, ripping me apart from my deep thoughts.
Flinching, my eyes instantly moved to the person who caused the sound.
Mr Takahashi - a total bastard of a substitute teacher, to say the least. But I must admit, he was right about something this time.

"Tobio Kageyama! Wake up! What's gotten you so lost in thought? You're in class. Snap out of it," he threw his usual vicious scowl at me.

"Sorry, sir," I muttered in response, causing him to sigh.

Well somebody was in a mood, and much more than four-eyes salt-shaker over there, which was really saying something.

"Anyways. Nagisa-kun said you wanted to help out with the 3rd Years Formal dance, am I correct?" he asked me, causing half my braincells to shut down. Not that they were awake in the first place, but y'know.

"Uh.. no?" I replied with uncertainty in my tone, with very visible confusion on my face, causing the irritated teacher to shake his head and cross his arms, papers still in his hand.

"Are you calling Nagisa-kun a liar- Actually, no don't even bother answering that. You've been chosen, deal with it, Kageyama-kun," he spoke clearly. "2 people from the other classes will come and help you. You have a organiser meeting during lunch. Don't be late. I will know," he sighed, before limping back to his desk - clearly a childhood injury being a factor to that walking style, but nobody ever really asked about it to be sure.

I ended up face-planting. Not onto my palm, which I honestly wished I had done, but on the desk, leaving a little mark on my forehead but it wasn't very noticeable. I stayed like that for another whole minute and a half before hearing the bell go off, meaning lunch. Great.

~ A few minutes later ~

Taking a seat at the big wooden table, I glanced around at the nervous expressions on the faces of the people there.

I was confused why they looked like that, but from anyone else's view, it wouldn't be hard to tell why people felt so uncomfortable.

I looked dead inside. I looked like someone just died or something; an intimidating bored and irritated look painted across my face, with an aura as haunting as a ghost which could probably be felt by someone a mile away.

"Welcome guys, to the organiser's team! Today we're gonna focus on the 3rd Year's formal! Is everybody here?" Said a 2nd year, named Yumemite Ayani.

She had a short bob cut, with very light brown hair, and big golden caramel eyes, really making her short, but still quite nice eyelashes look cute and stand out. Her lips were thin, and glossy, with a light pink shade to them.
With just one glance, you could tell she was optimistic with a good attitude, and could get along with almost everyone.
Key word: almost.
So that meant not me.

As she went down the list of names, she came across Kageyama. As soon as she said the full name written on the list, I knew the mistake.
There were two Kageyama's in my class. Clearly, Mr Bastard got something wrong.
There was me, Kageyama Tobio, and then there was Kageyama Aoto, a quiet guy at the back of almost all my classes. He seemed nice but I never spoke to him.

As I went up to explain what'd happened, I didn't notice the orange floof popping up from the glass wall.
Being given the option to join or leave, I opened my mouth to speak - to say leave, when the door opened, letting in the one person I didn't want to see. Hinata Shoyo. He was waving to someone behind him with a big grin and saying something. But I couldn't hear a world. It was like the world all just stopped and froze in time. One glance at that energetic idiot, and what I said was different.

I stayed in the dumb party planner group. I stayed with absolutely no reason to.

Maybe it was to see what the formal was like. Maybe it was a way to keep busy, or clear time.
Or maybe, a way to get closer to that optimistic Hinata Shoyo.

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