Set-Up [13]

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"Squad 4! You're up! Squad 2 you're backup.. Quick!" the events leader exclaimed.

As if from an intense action manga, two girls holding mops, ran in to clean the hall. There was 4 hours, 7 squads, and a whole room to clean, and prepare for the 3rd year's celebration.

"Squad 3, you're on stage cleanup!" and that meant it was Kageyama and I. Rushing in, I cleaned up the rubbish, Kageyama mopped the place. If it weren't for the cleaning tools, you would've thought we were training for the military.

Within about half an hour, the place was dusted, and spotless.

Squad 7 was up for the food. There was bags of food, and bottles of drinks, which they had to prepare quickly, meanwhile Squad 6 helped out putting up the tables.
Squad 4 & 5 were trying to put up the decorations on the walls, meanwhile 2 & 3 set up the main dining tables, with plates, and cups and vases.

Slowly, everything was coming together.

And Kageyama and I haven't argued once.

But that was the problem. We haven't even spoken once. Let alone made eye contact. I thought it was for the better but, for some reason I was agitated.
It was starting to really worry me until-

"Dumbass, you put the cutlery the wrong way!"

"No?? The forks and spoons are facing up!"

"They're facing down!"





"The forks are facing down the and spoon is facing up, get to it!" a voice interrupted the conflicted yelling, and it happened to be from the one and only events leader, which caused Kageyama and I to freeze in fear.

We looked at each other, nodded, and continued. That was about the only interaction we had for the next 3 hours.


Kageyama POV:

There was a crew meetup in the storage room behind the hall, and excitement seemed to be in the air.
The place was cleaned, set up, and perfected for the third years. Some had even already arrived.
But there was one thing we still had to do.

Pick a squad for cleanup duty.

Normally at this time, the squad would get their stuff and leave, but the school didn't want to pay for janitors, and they thought it would be a good idea to nominate a few students for cleanup duty throughout the celebration. And that meant they had to stay back, and clean up throughout, and even after the party. Not something I wanted to do. I was already prepared to go home anyways, so there was no way my squad would be chosen to-

"Squad 3! You're on cleanup duty!"


Not even Hinata seemed excited about this. And he was excited for everything. Even going to the bathroom. I hear he even has a song for it.

"Us?! Why?" Hinata complained, pouting.

"Oh cheer up! Think of it as.. being a VIP. You get to see what the celebration is like 2 years early, right? Enjoy it."

"Oh yeah, VIP who has to clean after everyone.." I groaned.

The leader chuckled awkwardly, as if they couldn't respond to that, and soon left, leaving Hinata and I alone.

I wanted to say something like 'come on, let's get this over with,' or 'we got this,' but instead, all that came out was "hmph."

I could already tell this was not gonna go well.

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