Chapter 10:Kill The Kobore Brothers

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"So if you don't mind me Askin'." Starts a voice
"Who are we Killin' Again?"

"you forgot?!"

"Hey I just came, I didn't pay attention to the Briefing My boss gave me." Said Iori, as he was with Leone and Tatsumi, while they Sneaked into a House in middle of the night

"we're killing the Kobore brothers." Answers Leone

"Oh yeah! I've heard about them." Said Iori as they were sneaking into the house
"So whos paying?"

"It's an Order straight from the Revolutionary Army it Self." Answers Tatsumi
"Didn't you read anything in the Letter we Sent to you?"

"I didn't bother Paying Attention really." Said Iori as he just Shrugs it off
"Anyway, Let's just kill these guys and beat it."


As they move deeper into the house, they see the Brothers on a table, Having a good time. their LAST Good time that is

as they Saw their Targets, the two nightraid Assassins were surprised when the Green headed reptile man had already dashed in, and grabbed the Younger Brother by the throat

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as they Saw their Targets, the two nightraid Assassins were surprised when the Green headed reptile man had already dashed in, and grabbed the Younger Brother by the throat

"W-WHO ARE YO_" starts the Older brother, before Tatsumi Thrusts his sword into him from behind

"W-Who are....y-you bastards..." Chocks the younger Brother as Ioris grip was tighter now

"the Last faces you'll see." Said Iori as his Grip become even tighter and tighter. Until,


as he broke the Younger brothers Neck, he lets his body fall on the ground
"That's that I Guess."

"Iori you Cheat!" Said Leone as he looks back at the Blonde busty woman
"I wanted to kill one of them too my self!"

"Well guess you were just Too Slow." Said Iori Teasingly as Leone Puffed her cheeks
"Anyway, let's jet it."

as they were walking away into the hallway again, they heard....a Boys voice?


Tatsumi stopped as he was shocked of what he heard, while Iori just stopped in his tracks too

"....Shit..." Whispered Iori, as he knew the Boys 'Daddy' just died seconds ago.

"Just now...I heard some Sounds...What is...D-Daddy?" they heard the boys voice from the Room where the bodies were

"...Let's go tats." Calls out Iori as Tatsumi snapped out of it and looked over to Iori
"Our job here is done. We're outta here."

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