[Within the Palace]
Inside one of the larger and fancier rooms, The remaining Jaegers wait per General Esdeaths orders for a meeting.
Wave however, was still feeling bitter over Seryus defection. It was rather hard for the others to accept, but Wave took it the hardest. He just couldn't believe how someone like Seryu, the most royal member of the team would just turn traitor out of nowhere.
But he then felt a pat on his shoulder, and noticed Bols, the masked and also the largest member of the Jaegers holding a plate.
"My Wife made too much cookies again. Would you like a few?" Bols said.
"Yeah...thanks a lot." Wave said as he picked up two cookies.
Then Bols offered to Kurome...Who gobbled up about 10.
"How are you truly feeling Wave?" Run asked.
"Fine...I guess..." Wave answered.
"Are you sure?" Run asked again.
"Okay, I'm trying." Wave corrected himself.
"Is it about the Traitor?" Kurome finally spoke up.
"Well...Y-Yeah, It is_" Wave started to answer but was then cut off.
"Then Forget about her." Kurome bluntly stated.
"She's a traitor. And Traitors die. Easy as that.""...sure..." Wave hesitantly nodded.
'...but it's easy for you to say.'And then, Finally, General Esdeath walked into the room.
"I Apologize for being late. I was held up for a bit by the minister.""No problem ma'am." Bols said.
"So what is it you...wanted...to....uuum?" Wave tried to ask...but then noticed someone following the General into the room too.
It was an Adult man with black hair and black eyes, suited up with fancy clothes and shoes and, the only odd part about him...One of his hands had a black leather glove while the other one didn't.
"Good afternoon." The man politely greeted.
"...Hi?" Wave awkwardly greeted back.
"Everyone, Meet Doctor Deadwind." Esdeath introduced.
"He will be a part of the Jaegers from now on since our Stylishes death and Seryus defection have complicated our numbers.""Ooooh." Wave finally understood.
But he soon noticed Kurome looking a bit tense."It's very nice to formerly meet you." Run greeted.
"I hope we can work together nicely." Bols said.
"Oh, Likewise Gentlemen." Deadwind nodded with a very odd but friendly smile.
"Say, How about you all come to my lab from time to time. A small check up would be very appreciated.""Oh you don't have to." Bols said, a bit embarrassed.
"Please, I insist." Deadwind pleaded.
"...I wouldn't go if I were you." Kurome said as she tried to eat another cookie, Only to gasp when Deadwind casually bent down a bit to be on eye level with her.
"And look who it is! My dear, Beloved, Cute, small and healthy Kurome~" Deadwind greeted.
"How is your body holding up my dear?""...Fine. Thanks for asking." Kurome bluntly answered, Just wanting the doctor to get away.

Actionkilling was all you ever knew. you felt as form of.... Satisfaction in the deaths of others by your hands, you even had the right tool for it, or better yet, the right ''Tools''. killing and killing for so long for the Mafia, Yakuza, and even people...