Chapter 23 : Go team?

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"And...Done." you said while finally setting up the Bunk beds.
You look around the Room, which was formerly an unused basement, That you spend some time In making for your guests

"Well...Thanks for the help." You said to the one that lend you a hand in making this room

"Of course." Susonoo said nodding his head.

You had been not just making, but also Moving in the bunk beds you and Susonoo created out of wood into the room. And you really liked him. He was like you in the housekeeping part. But the answer to is his cooking better or yours remains a Mystery. But you didn't really care since you had 2 other people helping you in cooking.
The other one being Akame of course.

As you both walked out, you saw most of your friends and some of Night raid members returning back in the hideout. Apparently they were out hunting some danger beasts for food. You had to admit, it's nice to have  more help here....But it would mean more mouths to feed.

"Hey Bro/Sis! How're the bunk beds coming along?" Iori asked you as he walked up to you from behind

"Done." You answered him

"Wow. With Susonoo you Work faster huh?" Iori said

"His Strength came in hand while carrying them." you said
"Anyway. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Oh yeah. We got two assignments the boss got for us. Wanna tag along?" Iori asked

"hmm...Why not." You agreed

"Awesome!" Said a third voice.

Both you and Iori looked back and figured it was Leone saying that, with Tatsumi just casually beside her.
"Soooo who are we killing?" Leone asks

"Wait, we're not_" Iori started but you cut him off by speaking up

"Sure. but you need to keep up." you said

"Awesome!" Leone said Cheerfully

Iori moves right next to you and starts whispering into your ear
"But bro/sis, They don't even know what we're going to really do!"

"That's why they are coming with us to learn." You said

"Hey so what are we REALLY Going to do?" Tatsumi asked
"And...Isn't it almost after noon now?"

"You'll see soon enough." You answered him


"Why are we just standing here again?" Tatsumi asked

Right now, You, Leone and Tatsumi all were just standing in an alleyway.

"We're on the look out." You answered

"Look out...for What?" Leone asked

"Look out for our guy if he tries to Escape from the back door and through here." You explained

"Oh! I see now." Tatsumi nodded his head
"But...who are we killing though?"

"We're not killing anybody." You said

"Oh." Tatsumi nodded his head

"We're NOT killing anyone?!" Leone asked in shock
"Then wait, WHY are we even here then?!"

"Debt collection." You answered her

"...Huh?" Both Leone and Tatsumi said at the same time


Suddenly, the back door in the Alley was smashed open and a man was trying to run away.
That is until Iori caught him.

"Hold it right there asshole." Iori said as he pushed him against a wall

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