Chapter 11: Kill the Old Bodyguard

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[The Mercenaries hideout]

You were at the Kitchen while cooking something Extra today. and... the whole room was silent as the others were just sitting down at the table

"....So um...Bro/Sis?" Speaks up Iori

"Not. A. Word." You said, Not wanting to hear his voice for now.

Well you All might be wondering how Everything Came to this at the moment. Well, We Gotta go back to at least, A whacking 2 nights ago.

[2 nights Ago]

"Please make the Special All Meat Ramen Noodle Food for me to eat." Said Akame, as she was literally BOWING DOWN. On ALL FOURS in the most Respectful Manner Possible

"...How do you know about that?" Asked you, As you two were done with your mission just about then.

[then yesterday]

"-_- You told her about the All Meat Ramen Special didn't you?" You asked

"Maaaaaaybe~" Answered Iori

"...I'm burning your Stash of booze." You said as you started to walk out of the room

"NO NO WAIT DOOOON'T!!!!" Begged The green heard friend of yours


"...D-did...Did you leave any of the Booze for me? E-Even a Little?" Asked Iori

"No." You answered as you were Cooking for Akame, so she would have her All meat Ramen special
"I burned them all. EVERY. SINGE. ONE."

"AWwww FUCK!" Whined Iori

"Shut up. your Annoying." you said

"Well that's what you get Iori." Said Leo as he was drinking his coffee again
"you Knew he/she would burn all your alcohol but you STILL Went ahead and Pissed (Y/N) off per usual."

"I know I know..." Said Iori, Not wanting to be sober right now at all.

"Then WHY do you keep pushing His/Her Buttons?!" Asked Leo

"Don't worry! It'll pay off soon." Said Iori

"oh my Iori dear~, Are you perhaps plotting A romance scheme~?" Asked Gil the Red haired Gender confused one. who MAY BE Gay.

"SHHH don't say it out loud!" silenced Iori before you could hear it

but then, the boss enters in as he slowly sniffs the air a little
"...Did Someone burn Alcohol recently?"

"Yup." You answered, while Iori just hits his head on the table

"Well, (Y/N), Gil, and Marco. I Have three jobs for each of you. so be ready on top shape tonight." Said Kainer
"And (Y/N), you'll be Accompanied By Akame In this Mission as well. Any Objections?"


"Good. Be ready by night People." He said as he exited the Room.

"Ooooh~. Could it be that you have a Crush on the Girl dear (Y/N)?" Teases Gil

"No." You denied
"I just simply View her as an Ideal Partner."

"Really?~~~" Asked Gil again as he Wrapped an Arm Around your Neck in a playful manner
"Are you Sure your not simply Hiding your Crush by Covering it with such reasons (Y/N) Dear~?"

"No. It is nothing like that." You Facepalmed

"Reaaaaaally~~~?" Insisted Gil


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