killing was all you ever knew. you felt as form of.... Satisfaction in the deaths of others by your hands, you even had the right tool for it, or better yet, the right ''Tools''. killing and killing for so long for the Mafia, Yakuza, and even people...
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Akame and Susanoo were sitting in the boat with fishing rods, and Akame was peacefully munching on an Onigiri with a straw hat on. And while sitting, her Fishing rod started to get pulled in the water a few times.
"Oh! I got one!" She said as she started to pull She managed to pull up what looked like a coy fish.
But suddenly a big fish that looked more like a shark had jumped up into the air out of the water! But Akame and Susanoo were surprised at seeing this, but their worries were over when they heard a loud gunfire sound!
The giant shark-like fish was shot in the head in midair, and then began to fall on top of them both but Susonoo managed to easily grab it.
They then looked over to the shore and they saw you, with a hunting rifle, that looked like a musket of sorts, rested on your shoulder.
"You two okay over there?" You called out
"Yes. Thanks for the assist." Susanoo said as he kept the shark up in his arms
"Thanks (Y/N)!" Akame said as well
"You're welcome." You said
Both you and Susanoo were cooking the giant fish you caught in the kitchen.
You both had aprons on and for the moment, Susanoo was Handling the frying of the food on the biggest oven you had in the kitchen with the largest Pan you had.
Susanoo tried to add some salt to the fish, but you suddenly called out
"Wait Stop!!!!" You halted him in a panic as he was startled to hear you like that
You sighed in relief knowing that you managed to stop him before he adds the wrong kind of ingredient. You managed to move over to him and handed him another kind of pepper "Use this one."
Susanoo took the pepper from you and observed it curiously. He slowly sniffed its scent too before realizing what it is "This is... A Black tree pepper."
"Yeah. Use that instead of the salt." You told him before walking over to a nearby table
"How did you manage to get your hands on this? These are very rare from what I've heard." Susanoo asked
"I have some people in touch for that." You answered him. "Just don't use too much of it, we don't have much of it."
"Understood." Susanoo nodded as he went back to cooking
The two of you have been in charge of cooking for a while now. And frankly, you both bounce off each other very well. One could say that your cooking skills were almost on the same level even!