"This is a bad idea."
"I know."
"That girl is a total Psycho with a Killer machine as a PET."
"I know."
"She LITERALLY Enjoys killing anyone she comes across in the most painful way possible."
"I know that too."
"....She could have killed Alex."
"I know that, But that was Alex's choice to make. And he survived it too."
".....And knowing ALLLLL of that, your STILL Going through with this shit?!"
....Oh right. You were gearing up to move out, and Iori was right there and was talking to you for the past hour. You were just trying to recruit the most hated Jaegers member and her dog. So what was Wrong with that? Oh yeah, YOU WERE GOING TO TRY TO RECRUIT THE MOST HATED JAEGERS MEMBER AND HER DOG. And the said Dog IS A KILLING MACHINE!
"Look she might just end up refusing you so why won't you just cut your losses and just call this whole thing off?" Iori asked
"Also, WHY would you WANT to recruit some goody goody two-shoes like that girl anyway? From what I heard from the boss she's always on and on about Justice and killing evil and destroying this and that and Blah blah blah blaaaaaah. OH and did you forget the other important parts?""Which are?" You asked
"The parts that I just Said, And I'm going to remind you of them AGAIN! ONE: She is a Psycho. TWO: She has a killing machine AS A PET! THREE: She Almost killed Alex!!!" Iori reminded you of all the things he just said
"One: I know. Two: I know. and Three: That was Alex's choice." And you repeated your answers again
"....Oh my god, my heads about to burst..." Iori said as he held his head as he felt a headache starting to come up because of how stupid you sounded right now.
"...Well, Can you at least tell me the WHY?""Don't you want a Killing Machine as a pet?" You answered his question with another question
"....Touche." Iori said, admitting the idea sounded awesome
"Well, tell me the HOW now.""Do you remember captain Ogre, Her former boss and Doctor Stylish, the one that upgraded her limbs?" You asked
"Yeah...How do those two fit in on how to recruit this Seryu girl?" Iori asked
"I'm gonna try to break into their Office and look for somethings." You answered
"If I find what I need, I might have a shot at making the girl to see the Empire for it's true colors.""Oh. what are you gonna look for?" He asked again
"....Proof...of what?" Iori asked yet again
"Can you just answer me in full?!""Proof that the Empire was responsible for Her parents deaths." you answered at least
"It's believed that the Revolutionary army killed her mother and father. If I find a file or some paperwork that Confirms My theory that it was the Empires doing, I might have a chance at recruiting her. ""...That sounds like a good idea actually." Iori admitted
"Wait, what if you DON'T Find anything like that?""...Then I might try again later or I might Cut my losses and call the whole thing off." You answered

Actionkilling was all you ever knew. you felt as form of.... Satisfaction in the deaths of others by your hands, you even had the right tool for it, or better yet, the right ''Tools''. killing and killing for so long for the Mafia, Yakuza, and even people...