Chapter 9: The End

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((TRIGGER WARNING: Abusive parenting ahead. Read with caution!))
"Kankri Vantas. Would you mind explaining just what in the world happened in this picture?"
I stared up into my dad's hard, angry eyes for a half a second before looking away, unable to meet his gaze.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you, son." His voice was bitter.
I brought myself to look up at his face, shaking slightly out of fear of what he had found out.
"Mrs. Ampora has just brought this image to my attention." He held up his smartphone with an Instagram picture pulled up on it. It was very clearly of Cronus and I, with our arms around each other and our lips together. My ears felt hot as I suddenly remembered it. The party game. The flash from the closet. Someone had posted that picture online.
"I refuse to believe that you of all people would commit a sinful act such as this one. I'm giving you another chance to explain yourself."
I thought this over. Maybe I could say it was a dare, or the picture was photoshopped... No. I had to tell him. I wasn't going to live in the shadows like this.
"Well, you see, Cronus and I are dating. We went to a party and played a game and someone took a picture of us kissing. Even so, I don't see a problem here. I love him."
He stared at me in disbelief for a moment, then rose from his seat and raised a hand, slapping me straight across the face. "I will have NO son of mine claiming to have a boyfriend!!"

I winced, not expecting the impact or the raise in his voice. My cheek stung where his hand had been. I stared up at him in shock. "Then maybe I don't want to be your son." My voice shook as I turned on my heel to storm out the door, but Dad grabbed my hand before I could go anywhere.
"You're not allowed to leave."
"Why not." I turned to face him.
"I know you'll just go seek him for comfort, and I don't want you anywhere near that boy. He's a bad influence on you."

My stomach dropped. My heart seemed to stop beating. Time slowed down. His words rang through my head.
'I don't want you anywhere near that boy...'

"You don't control me, Dad. I'm an adult now, not some little kid you can manipulate to suit your liking."
"You still live in my house, Kankri. I'm technically your legal guardian and you have to do what I say. Now hand over your phone and go to your room."

I stood there, glaring at him with pure rage. "Am I at least allowed to say goodbye?"
"Alright. One text."

I went into the other room and sat down without a word. It was getting harder and harder to not break down crying as the realization crept in. I would never get to see Cronus again. I would never get to see his smile, or hear his voice, or feel his comforting presence nearby. I would never get to feel his lips against mine, or his arms around my waist.

I only had one text I was allowed to send, so I had to make it count.

Cronus. My dad found out about our relationship. He won't let me leave the house or see you again. I doubt he'd even let me go to college at this point if it means you being anywhere on or near the campus. I'm only allowed one text to say goodbye, so don't be worried if and when I don't respond. So this is it. Me saying goodbye. I will miss you. Part of me hopes you'll miss me too, but part of me doesn't. I don't want to cloud up your thoughts or distract you at all, especially once you start college. Please just go about your daily life as if we had never been a thing. I hope you find some other person to suit your needs as I had (hopefully) done. Sincerely, Kankri Vantas.
P.S. Don't send anything important in your response. I won't be able to read it.

It was admittedly a bit formal for a simple text message. However, final goodbyes are not something to be taken lightly. I scrolled up, looking at all the messages we had sent before. All the late-night conversations, all the good night/good mornings, all the "I love you"s. A sense of despondency filled my heart as I hit "send," my hand trembling slightly as I handed my phone over to my father, who was standing in front of me expectantly. He stuck my phone in his back pocket and pointed up the stairs, indicating I should head to my room now. I climbed the staircase slowly, dragging my feet as I went, and threw myself down onto my bed. Then the tears came. I had to bury my face into my pillow in order to muffle the sobs that racked my entire body.

This is the story of how I died, and it has finally reached its ending.

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