Chapter 21: Kankri

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Over the next few days, I managed to find my way to Chicago, and I spent my days driving and my nights camping out in Majesty's car. I also remember the stench that surrounded me. It smelled like hair gel and body odor. I hadn't been able to shower, either. There were public showers in some places, but those didn't have curtains and I was much too self conscious to use those. No, I wasn't quite that desperate yet. I did, however, find $20 in the pocket of Cronus's jeans and quite a sufficient amount of loose change and spare dollars around the car. I also found a box of those little individually packaged cracker sandwich snacks, and those held me over the first night. I used the $37.63 that I found to buy the cheapest food I could find and a couple sticks of deodorant.

On my way out of the store, I noticed a sign on a post advertising something in big letters on a yellow paper.


That caught my eye. The address listed seemed not too far off, actually within walking distance of the store I had just left. I took one of the tear-away phone numbers from the bottom of the paper and stuck it in my pocket, then continued on my way to my car.

Later, I decided to call the number and set up a time to meet the person. I sat in the backseat of the car and dialed the number, then waited for the person to pick up. After three rings, they answered.

The voice on the other side of the phone sounded very sophisticated, proper, and... female.

"You've reached the personal cell phone of Aranea Serket, how may I help you?"

"Hello Ms. Serket, my name is Kankri Vantas. I saw your advertisement for a roommate and wanted to take you up on your offer."

She sighed. "I was hoping for a female... But you are the only one who has contacted me on the matter, and the sign has been up for weeks. I would have to meet you in person before giving you an answer, of course."

"Of course. When would be the most convenient time for you?"

Aranea paused to think about it. "I have Thursday off. Would 2:00 work for you?"

"Yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to set this up!"

"You are quite welcome. I will see you then, Mr. Vantas."

She hung up.

I leaned back in the seat and blew air out through my nose. If this worked out, I would be living in the same home as a woman. That was unheard of in my family, it was unclean and sinful and perverted. It's not like we'll be sleeping in the same bed, I though to myself. She would most likely have her room and I would have mine, assuming it's a multiple room apartment. And if not, then I can sleep on the floor, so be it.

By the time Thursday came around, I had bought some cheap new clothes and gathered up the courage to use one of the public showers. I was hungry considering the fact that I hadn't eaten in a couple days, but it was alright. If Aranea would let me into her apartment, then I would hopefully be able to borrow her food and rent and pay her back as soon as I could find a job.

I drove to Aranea's apartment complex and went up to find her room, number 22B. I knocked on the door and she answered in about 10 seconds.

"May I help you?" she asked, standing up straight and looking me up and down. Aranea had shoulder-length blonde curly hair, and she wore red glasses and a pretty blue dress with a black belt around her waist.

I nodded. "Yes, I am Kankri Vantas, here about the apartment. I assume you are Aranea?"

"Right, of course. Please, come in." She didn't seem too pleased with my appearance, but she managed to fake a smile anyway.

The front room of the apartment seemed like it needed tidied up, but it appeared to belong to a very busy person. There were papers all over the sofa and coffee table, and pillows were scattered about.

"I apologize for the mess, I just can't seem to find time to get around to it."

"Oh it's no problem. I understand how busy you must be with your job."

She nodded. "Yes. Now, about you, Kankri. May I call you that?"

I nodded.

"Wonderful. You would be staying over here." She led me down a short hallway that had two doors on either side. "On the right is my room/study. You will not bother me while I am in there unless it is an emergency. Your room would be on the left."

I opened the door on the left and looked into the room. There was a small bed in one corner and a nightstand next to it with a lamp on it. At the other side of the room was a small closet with nothing but a few hangers in it. The floor was covered in dust and bits and pieces of old furniture that had chipped off in some way. In fact, the whole place could use a good dusting.

"Will this suffice as living space?"

"Yes, this will do."

"Lovely. How do you plan to pay your share of the rent?"

I gulped. "Well... I don't have a job currently, but I will search for one as soon as I can. In the meantime, I could work as a maid of sorts for you and maintain the apartment: cleaning up, buying groceries, etc."

She narrowed her eyes, then nodded slowly. "Alright, I suppose that will have to work for the time being. But only because you seem like a very nice person, and I'll admit this place could use a maid around."

I smiled in relief. "Thank you so much, Ms. Serket."

"Please, call me Aranea."

"Thank you, Aranea."

"You are quite welcome, Kankri. When would you like to move in?"

"As soon as possible."

"How about tomorrow? I get off work at 7:00, so around 7:30 in the evening?"

"That works for me!"

"Wonderful. I will see you then!"

I started walking out the door. "Until then!"

She waved and closed the door behind me, the smile on her face looking a bit more genuine than it did when I first entered her home. I would consider that a success.

I walked out to the car and stayed there for a few minutes, grabbing my phone and turning it on to tell Cronus the good news. I'd had it powered off to preserve battery since I had no way of charging it, so I only used it when I needed to.

The message read:

Hello Cronus! So sorry I haven't texted you since I left, I needed to save the battery on my phone. I'm doing alright so far, as good as anyone can be who's been living in a car for the past week. I recently met with the person I'm going to room with in an apartment, and I will be on the lookout for a job in order to pay rent. You don't need to worry about me. I love you very much and I miss you dearly! <3

Then Cronus responded in a series of unpunctuated messages:

oh thank god you're still alive
i thought you were dead or somethin, i was gettin ready to get a call from the police
good job findin a place to stay
i love you too <3
a whole fucking lot
stay safe out there, chief
please call me asap

And I replied one last time:

Of course I will. I have to turn my phone back off for now, but I promise I will call you as soon as I can find a charger. In the meantime, I wish you well. Goodnight!

The last messages I saw from him:

night kanny
sleep tight
don't let the bedbugs bite

Then I powered down my phone to save the last 5% of battery, just in case.

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